4 Essential Tips To Enhance The Use Of Your Projector

Written by Christian Rumi 20 April 2014 2,272 views No Comment

Lamp care tipsWhen it comes to getting the most useful hours out of the use of your projector you may be under the impression that the only thing you can do is replace the lamp whenever it starts to become dim. Thankfully, this is not the case. There are some things that you can do to add some extra life to your projector bulb, and here are a few of those tips for your perusal. Before you continue reading, if you hadn’t read my previous article on the basics of projector lamps, do that first so you can gain a better understanding of lamp basics and optimize your viewing experience. Let’s continue. The following are 4 tips that if following religiously, will extend the life of your lamp and same you money on purchasing replacements.

#1: Always vent the projector properly

When your projector is running, it can get incredibly hot and because of this, the vents for the projector need to be cleaned off regularly and always kept a safe distance from everything around it when it’s being used. The safe distance is usually considered to be approximately two feet between the vent and the next closest object. Ensuring a reasonably safe distance will help keep it cool.

#2: Always clean it according to the manual

Every time you use your projector, you should consider the importance of maintenance. A part of this maintenance includes simple wiping off the dust that may have accumulated since your last use. Every three to six months, you should extend that care to include vacuuming out the projector’s vents, dusting off the lamp, and wiping off and other components where dust has accumulated. If your projector has an air filter in it, it would be wise to dust that off as well. Every projector comes with a maintenance guide so users know how to properly maintain both their projector and the lamp, so make sure you follow this manual carefully as each model is slightly different and carries it’s own procedure for cleaning.

#3: Pay attention to the time

Different temperatures, levels of humidity, altitudes, and lengths of time that the projector is used can have a severe impact on how long your lamp will last. One of the easiest ways to extend it’s life is by paying attention to how long you leave your projector on. When you turn your projector on leave it running for at least five minutes so the fans can kick on and cool off the bulb. Make sure to note that turing off the projector too early can put stress on the lamp and cause a decrease in lamp hours. The last tip is to make sure the fan has had sufficient time to cool the unit after it has been turned off before moving or storing it. The cool-down period is for more projectors is about 5 minutes.

#4: Use economy mode whenever possible

Not all projectors come with economy mode but if yours does you should be using it – it’s there for a reason. Using economy mode keeps the maximum brightness down at the beginning of the life of the lamp and allows it to keep that brightness longer and expend less energy when it is being used. This adds quite a few hours to the life of your lamp and keeps reduces the number of replacements you have to purchase. Just make sure you care for your unit properly from the day you purchase it and you should be able to get a very long life it!

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