Basic Tips On How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy For a Lifetime

Written by Christian Rumi 18 March 2015 1,961 views No Comment

Basic tips for long term dental healthYou probably know the importance of brushing and flossing, but sadly, this is just not enough for you to maintain healthy teeth for a lifetime. If you plan on keeping your teeth healthy you’ll need to step up your game and find out ways to boost your oral hygiene. I’ve compiled a list of important dental health tips to get you started.

Know your dental needs

Everyone has a unique set of dental needs mainly because of different lifestyle habits. For instance, people who consume many drugs often experience issues such as dry mouth.

There are others who are more prone to dental cavities. Pregnant women may also experience issues like gingivitis and inflammation whereas patients with asthma are more prone to plaque because they often breathe through their mouths. If you have braces, cleaning your teeth will be a lot harder than someone without so you are more prone to cavities.

Ideally, you need to take control of your oral health and find ways to effectively maintain healthy teeth.

Invest in fluoride products

Fluoride is commonly found in toothpastes and mouthwashes that are available locally but you can always have your dentist prescribe a stronger fluoride gel if you have many cavities. Prescribed fluoride products work better than the over-the-counter ones.

Brush and floss everyday

Brushing and flossing after meals or at least 3 times a day is very important. Doing so helps to remove plaque that constantly forms on your teeth when you eat. Foods and drinks left in your mouth can generate acids that cause decay.

Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet is not only important for losing weight; it’s also important to watch what you eat and maintain a healthy diet because doing so positively affects the health of your teeth. Sugary foods and their remnants will of course create bacteria in your mouth which often leads to more problems when left unchecked.

Whenever you eat food that contains complex sugars and snacks that stay in between your teeth for a time, you expose your teeth to the acids that eventually attack the enamel and cause cavities.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, eating food with lots of minerals and vitamins will boost your oral and general health.

Quit smoking

Smoking may not only lead to deadly diseases like cancer or lung disease, but it also hinders your oral health. Smokers often suffer from stained teeth as well as the high risk of getting oral issues like gingivitis, bad breath and periodontal disease.

Simply put, there’s an increased chance of getting oral cancer if you use tobacco products but quitting quickly and substantially reduces this risk.

Take note of changes in your mouth

No one knows your teeth better than you so you should always be on the lookout for issues that may signal dental problems. For instance, if you you one day discover that you gums are swollen, or, if you have a new chipped tooth – these changes could be the sign of another larger problem so it’s best to visit the dentist immediately.

Regular dental checkups

Most importantly, don’t underestimate the value of regular dental checkups. You need to visit your dentist often so as to treat dental problems before they become more serious.

People suffering from gum disease, diabetes, regular smokers and even those who wear braces are always advised to ensure they’re making regular visits to the dentist and to keep an eye on the state and health of their gums.

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