Canadian Culture Is The Main Stream Media

Written by Christian Rumi 23 November 2016 1,441 views No Comment

Before the massive demographic changes that have been brought to Canada in the last few decades before being told that they have no mainstream culture by the man that is perhaps the most unqualified leader that has ever been elected in the history of the industrial world; the former substitute drama teacher and part-time ski instructor Justin Trudeau.

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Canadians were for at least the last 65 years smug in there unqualified mutual agreement of their superiority to their southern neighbour the United States.

This was manifest in many ways; applauding themselves for their single pair healthcare system low violent crime rate comparatively; speaking and their sense that everyone in the world admired the self-proclaimed polite and friendly country.

Going abroad Canadians like to slap their flag on their luggage as well as other accoutrements.

The Canadian sense of self-righteousness is well known as when mistaken abroad for an American because their accents are so similar to their southern neighbour, people who have encountered Canadians before understand the incredible offence that many a Canuck may fein.

And they simply apologize when mistaking them for American because in many Canadians minds this is an insult.

They even take Glee from the likes of Michael Moore the far-left Democrat filmmaker when he applauds Canada in his films; stretching the truth on everything from never needing to lock ones front door to having no homeless people, but more was never one to let truth get in the way of a good story.

Most Canadians I knew were tickled pink when the Canadian dollar or loony as its beloved looney called was, for a brief time at variety with the US dollar it has incidentally fallen drastically in the last year or so.

Canadians have long defined their society as being not American and currently can be summed up as eating at Tim Hortons, drinking Canadian beer and watching hockey, A?

Canadians perhaps trying to define themselves as somewhat different from Americans and having a more European outlook on social issues somehow at least in the big cities do see themselves as culturally more refined.

But again everything comes back to the baseline of the United States but given that Canada’s government is intent on ramping up its massive immigration to ever dizzier heights and have set a goal of tripling the country’s population to 100 million by the end of the century, to in their words keep Canada relevant.

To do so you will be having two very opposite forces that are actually already now in play in the country but will only grow, and this is in a country that as of late has announced that it has a very hard time defining itself.

On the one hand you have rabid cultural marxism his tentacles have reached into every crevice of the media political and educational institutions, as well as the conservative nature of many of the non-western cultures being imported wholesale with little thought of how all of these contradictory competing and at times mutually reviling cultures are going to live together in the same area

But this is Canada and it will not allow things like sociology, biology, psychology, and historical precedent to get in the way of their utopian ideology

Canada for all intents and purposes is Sweden 2.0 on the North American continent if it cannot destroy its cultural inheritance via immigration fast enough, that’s okay because its universities have stepped in and are pumping out so many brainwashed automations that then move on into the wider society that Canada’s tribalization ethnically religiously and most importantly ideologically will be complete within a decade, two at the most.

The current ruling party the Liberals headed by Justin Trudeau has made it state policy that the most the important thing when appointing new members of the judiciary is not their education their breadth of experience their knowledge or their expertise know for people that apply to be federal judges they will for the first time be asked about their race. Even though we all know that race does not exist they’ll be asked about their sexual orientation, physical disability, indigenous status, and gender identity.

Now I’m not sure whether they’re giving points to those that follow the feminist strain of gender being a social construct, or the transgender interpretation that allows for dozens, if not hundreds of different genders and accompanying pronouns.

This is university of toronto professor Jordan Peterson he has been at the eye of a storm of protests on campus for his refusal to accept government legislated control over vocabulary in the form of federal bill C 16, which I may add if it passes is very vaguely worded and ill formulated protection for gender identity and gender expression.

In other words using pronouns such as he or she or objecting to biological men using women’s public facilities will now be considered hate speech.

in fact 250 of his colleagues have signed a letter supporting the professor; no just kidding, this is Canada they are accusing him of hate speech and the administrators of the University have ordered Peterson to stop making statements such as the use of he or she that could be considered discriminatory under provincial human rights legislation

In Ontario bill 28 is currently being heard by the standing committee on social policy that would see the removal of words such as mother and father from Ontario law and we’ll have it replaced with words birth parent and parent; furthermore the bill has provisions that a child may have for parents for allowing a partner of the same sex couple who has no blood ties with the child to become the parent of the child, automatically, without adoption.

And not to be outdone in the province of Alberta the Prism Toolkit for safe and caring discussions aims to help teachers create classrooms and curriculum that are more LGBTQ inclusive for their classes from grades 7 to 12 one activity titled drag 101, suggest inviting local drag queens to teach makeup techniques and organized drag performances at schools.

It also advises teachers to use gender neutral terms and rather than relying on the traditional terms – boys and girls – it suggests using comrades.

Also mom and dad will and should be replaced by caretaker or responsible adults.

The Grade seven to twelve students have no choice to decline these lessons which happened during mandated instructional time and they are powerless to object to their learning time being used toward the political activism for the advancement of the LGBTQ rights, or watching a school-wide drag performance.

Let us also not forget that it was Canada that birth and bequeath the world the infamous slut-walk were women dress up and fetish costumes or little at all and decry the objectification of women.And speaking of half-naked women, the

Government of Canada past and anti-Islamophobia motion and defined Islamophobia as a dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims as a political force.

So it’s now taboo to discuss the self-described political ideology of Islam that is diametrically opposed to the values of the Enlightenment and Western civilization in any other terms than Rosie.

In fact, it doesn’t even matter as the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his vast experience has explained to Canadians that Islamic societies and Western societies share exactly the same values, thank You Justin for clearing that up.

And you know obviously if anyone in the world can show up in their hundreds of thousands and call themselves Canadian then being Canadian is not only meaningless but it also has no value.

For this great replacement of people it seems obvious why there is this push to deconstruct what little self-respect the traditional stock of Canadians have for themselves with the insidious ideology of cultural marxism.

Setting Canada up as an ultra politically correct left to state with reportedly no mainstream culture to assimilate toward while at the same time importing people by the millions from non-western traditional countries looks set to make Canada, boring Canada, a whole lot more interesting in the coming years.

You know sometimes some men would just like to sit back and watch the world burning you know what I cannot think of a place, except maybe perhaps Sweden that deserves the future that they are creating for themselves more than those in the great white north.

End of transcript

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