Conspiracy Theory Debunked – The Enslavement Of Humanity Theory

Written by Christian Rumi 19 April 2014 3,223 views One Comment

This is an easy conspiracy theory to debunk and the reason it is is because it cannot happen. If it did happen, there would be nothing left for anyone, and in the end, those, who so-called perpetrated the “incident” would have nothing left either – let me elaborate.

enslavedThe conspiracy theory that revolves around the belief that all government powers of the world (or a certain few) and/or corporations are trying to enslave all of humanity is one of the most illogical conspiracy theories I know. If you think it’s beneficial to any one government or corporation to enslave humanity, you haven’t thought it out enough, but if you read on, you will hopefully gain some insight.

At first thought, and without any thought thereafter, it seems like a plausible idea, especially when you’re down and out with your money but a few important elements which are extremely more than worth considering are always left out of this conspiracy. They are; “if certain powers succeeded in enslaving humanity“;

  • there would be no money streaming to the top of the pile, because there would be no money, and subsequently no value in anything other than through trading used goods (not new because no one is working, everyone is a slave – but to whom? Toyota?) or services. This would severely lighten the pockets of the “slave traders”.
  • powerfully wealthy corporations like those on Wall Street or Sony, Nike, Ford, Wendy’s, Apple, Google, Microsoft, oil companies, and the millions upon millions of wealthy corporations across the world would go under because no one would be able to purchase their products – because they’re slaves.
  • more powerful corporations would go under like the transport and food industry corps., which would cripple the economy and halt the flow of money up to the top most wealthy slave traders, and in the end they would be poor slaves too.
  • large segments of the population would die off trying to fight this enslavement and therefore the enslavers would have less and less slaves working for them.
  • Police couldn’t be slaves because the would be the government or corporation “enforcers” and therefore would expect a salary, the ability to buy what they want (i.e. cars, homes, pools, etc) and in effect the enslaved humanity would be their slaves.

I can go on and on for days describing similar scenarios, but the bottom-line one-sentence way of putting this is; if all humanity was enslaved, the slave traders would suffer the same fate as those they’ve enslaved and that is something the rich and wealthy would not let happen – and neither would you. Think about it.

How would the rich and ultra rich get their money? How would wealthy corporations advertise to everyone if no one can afford cable, a TV or what is being displayed on one? How would Google make all their money if no one can afford Internet, and thus not use their search engine? There would eventually be nothing left for anyone. No one on the planet, rich or small is willing to give that up so just so they can say they’ve successfully enslaved humanity.

If the rich and wealthy want to keep a constant flow of valuable money coming their way and to their families, the economy has to be in check, people have to be earning a wage, and they have to be paying for things. When the economy is in check, and people are working and people are paying for goods and services, corporations and their people across the world make money. Let’s see “them” (whomever they are) try to take the money away from the corporations – but wait – I thought the corporations where trying to enslave people? Therein lies the stupidity of this conspiracy theory.

Then there’s the right to be in the shoes of the “enslavers”

I’ve met and/or have been friends with people who have in the one breath hated, scoffed, cursed and condemned the “rich and wealthy” and then become rich and wealthy themselves! Money talks! Give any person enough money (either through gifts, gambling or stroke of business luck) and they’ll change their tune in a jiffy. They’ll say they’ve earned their keep and tell other people to stop complaining and get off their asses and do something about it, about their current “plight” in life – exactly what the corporations say (and many of their employees say too)

Happy people are happy citizens and happy citizens spend money – money that corporations need to be wealthy, need in order to optimize their products and services. If they don’t have any money, no one’s getting paid. If no one’s getting paid, you don’t have an enslaved country or world, you have a melting pot of world poverty and we’ve come too far to revert to anything remotely similar.

The American Dream

factory-slavesThere is no democratic country (generally democratic) that doesn’t offer the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that you can acheive whatever you want in this world with hard work and properly directed aspiration and will. Whatever your American Dream is you can achieve, but it’s not guaranteed that you will but those that do achieve it, no matter how “enslaved” they once felt they were, don’t anymore.

If the enslavers were to take away the American Dream, everyone would eventually lose aspiration (or be killed trying to aspire to higher things of which according to conspiracy theorists would be against the law) and have almost nothing to look forward to or live for (besides working in a factory was built by corporations, and has products shipped to it by a shipping corporation that doesn’t exist anymore (see stupidity in this above)). That scenario again would facilitate the end of the economy and the end of the slave trade as we know it.

The government and wealthy or extremely wealthy corporations do not want to enslave humanity. The rich cannot maintain their stature without there being a poor, middle, semi-middle, upper and ultra-rich class. We’ll always have our big screens, but we’ll never become ultra-rich if we spend most of our free time watching them.

I triple dare anyone, who believes there is some group or corporation somewhere that strives to enslave humanity, to give a realistic portrayal of how that kind of a scenario can logically play out and I’ll recant this entire post. Be my guest.

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  • bongstar420 said:

    You don’t need money if you own everything and by extension everyone.

    The point of extreme wealth is only power over others.

    If you owned the entire planet, you would want a small population as billions of people are useless once you’ve consolidated your power over them.

    After consolidation, all these big corporations are redundant and inefficient- a waste of the owners time.

    Why would a single owner want to clutter their power structure with an economy for their slaves?

    The police will be AI robots owned by the owner.

    There is no slave trade under a single owner. There is only their satisfaction or unsatisfaction.

    The only reason to keep others around after you consolidate your ownership power is for your amusement. Production will be fully automated by then and maintenance of the automated production will be automated.

    Your future overlord is a sadist. Your current overlords are also sadists- they like “losers” to suffer.

    The American Dream died when rich people got reagan into office.