10 Cool Things You Can Do While In Quarantine

Written by Christian Rumi 20 May 2020 2,346 views No Comment

As the saying goes, we’re all in this together, so I thought I would find some cool things you can do while we are all quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, and list them here for you.

Read a Book, Read Many

read a bookEvery article that lists things you can do while in quarantine mentions reading. For good reason. Reading is great for passing the time, it optimizes your vocabulary, and it keeps you informed.

You can read books, magazines, and even the newspaper (I’d avoid the newspaper). If you like to write, or have always wanted to write a book – start now!

If you read books all the time, go back to books you’ve never finished, or go on a book marathon by setting a goal to read X amount of books before the end of the quarantine.

Get Your Garden Going

plant a gardenSpring is in the air which means there’s a few things we can do to our gardens to get them ready for planting. One thing you’ll want to do is clean up the place. With strong winter winds come debris and dirt all over the place.

Organize your outdoor furniture, rake up the fallen leaves and branches, sweep up what should be swept.

You can dig up your garden-dirt to get it ready for planting, do some backyard planning, and even start preparing for getting your pool ready for the summer.

Give Yourself a New Hair-do

new hairdoThere are thousands of hair style ideas you can try out there, but here are a few popular hair styles for 2020 you can try yourself. I highly advise you to be as careful as possible when cutting your own hair because as you know you can really mess it up but if you are brave enough, give it a go!

Just remember that because everyone is under quarantine, it doesn’t mean we won’t be going back to work every again so if you do try to give yourself a new hair-cut, be smart about it.

If you’re not too keen with scissors, maybe instead of cutting your hair, you can just give it some new colour.

Start a New Exercise Routine

If you’ve ever worked out, you’ll know how easy it is to get started again – you just need to start. If you’ve neglected working out for years on end, this COVID-91 quarantine is the perfect time to start again.

If you are still in relatively good shape, once we all go back to work again, you may actually impress everyone with your new biff look.

If you’re able to go for runs or jogs, do it. If you are not, just accept that you have to stay at home but make the best of it by getting your heart rate up a few times a day. The work will definitely pay off.

Clean Your Entire House

Admit it; every year you ask yourself how you’re going to find the time to spring clean. Well now is the time because we basically have all the time in the world.

Most houses will take at least a few days to clean but all this spare time, you can really do a good job. You can sparkle and shine your home from the bottom to the top – cleaning every nook and cranny – while getting it ready for those hot summer days that are just around the corner.

Learn to Cook

learn to cookLearning to cook, or teaching your children some new cooking skills is easy. All you really need to do is visit Tasty.co, and search “fun cooking recipes you can do with your kids” and choose a few that you and your family can do.

Since grocery stores are still open, it’s still easy to get all the ingredients you need. All you need to do is get your kids involved and that’s no going to be hard at all because this quarantine has made children quite restless.

I can almost guarantee you that no matter how much you think your kids will resist, if they’re really bored, doing some home cooking of come interesting recipes will be fun for them.

Send Snail-mail With The Children

Even though it’s the year 2020 and everyone uses email, FaceTime, and chat, people still love getting regular mail.

Elderly people, like grandparents, and even parents love getting regular mail too.

So buy some stamps, gather the children together, and let them know you’re going to send a letter to grandma or grandpa. I can guarantee they’ll be excited and creating a nice letter for a few family members will easily pass the time.

Start a New Business

During these unpredictable times, we’re all seeing the effects of losing income because of going out of business, or not being considered an essential services.

Of course we can all rely on government benefits for a few months but when regular income has come to a halt, and we have to start digging into our savings we realize we have to find another way to make money.

What a better time to start? If you’re at home and not able to go back to work because of the quarantine, this is a great opportunity to start a small business and guarantee some income in case we go through another pandemic.

What kind of business can you start? Online Internet businesses are usually the best at securing income, even if it’s only a small amount a month. If you keep at it by doing regular advertising, your business will eventually become popular and there’s a high chance people will still buy from you even during a pandemic.

The current quarantine in Canada due to the pandemic started around mid-March. Can you image if you had started your business 3 months ago? You’d probably already be making enough money to offset the financial losses you’re experiencing.

Take a Free Online Course

Now that you’re in quarantine and have tons of time on your hands, why not enrol to a free online course and get a degree in that subject you’ve always wanted to?

Right now, as you’re reading this there are thousands of online universities and physical universities that are offering courses for free. If you have a little money in the bank and can afford it, you can also search out some paid university and college courses where you can obtain a degree for a small cost.

Who knows, by the time the quarantine is over, you might end up having a degree in a subject you’ve wanted to study your whole life. I once met a lawyer who went back to school at 50 to become a lawyer, and 7 years later opened her own practice.

The sky is the limit.

Adopt a Cat or Dog

buy a petThis quarantine has made a lot of cats and dogs homeless. Many people have lost most, if not all of their income and are simply unable to care for their pets anymore.

This has resulted in thousands of pets being dropped off at the local animal control and if they are not adopted within a certain period of time, being put down.

If you can afford it, right now is a great time to add a new member to your family. Instead of buying from a breeder consider paying a visit to your local animal control and adopting a cat or dog.

There is no doubt they will appreciate the new lease on life, and many animal control centres are charging minimal prices, if any for new adoptees.

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