Do You Like Facebook’s Like Button Now?

Written by Christian Rumi 4 May 2010 1,972 views No Comment

Well as you can see, the integration of the Facebook Like button on Morestar was a creative success. It looks nice and dandy sitting up there above the Tweet button and below the article post information.

This feature was a recent feature released by Facebook that allows Internet marketers, SEO’s and web developers to harness the social-sphere more openly and freely and without much hindrance or interruption to the user.

For instance if you click the Like button above it will show up in your Facebook profile as you Liking it. Very nice.

There’s much more to this though. If you chose to go the Open Graph route, you can completely integrate Facebook’s Like functionality into your website to the point where your visitors of your content will be able to Like your content so much that their Liking will be placed in more than one area of a users profile but more specifically in user profiles, within search results and in Facebook’s News Feed.

I can only say this seems to be some of the greatest news for Internet marketers. The numbers are simple: One Like of your content could easily end up equaling thousands of  other Likes from that same users Facebook friends list.

Good going Facebook and us Internet Marketers thank you.

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