Does EFT With David Rourke Really Work?

Written by Christian Rumi 7 February 2015 4,344 views No Comment

A friend of mine was inquiring not too long ago about EFT working as described by David Rourke. I explained to her that I’ve heard about EFT and that doing a little research into Rourke’s techniques might be in order.

What is EFT?

rising-sunEFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques. Apparently applying these techniques on a regular basis will “raise the physical and psychological bodies to more healthier and balanced vibrations”. In a nutshell, they’re supposed to relieve and heal you of any stress and trauma you endured while growing up or even during your adult life.

In order to receive EFT assistance, one must find an EFT Master of whom must obtain an array of qualifications and take an EFT Master exam. The full list of qualifications can be found here (source).

As you can see there’s quite a bit that goes into becoming an EFT Master, and practicing it.

We wanted to hear real EFT stories

The following slide seems to be a summary of what’s involved in EFT and a bit of it’s background, but it wasn’t enough. We needed more information. It seems to have actually been published by David Rourke but we figured we might get better information from people who have tried EFT and hear what they have to say. You can view more of Rourke’s slides here.

The above slide and link to the EFT master qualifications truly sums of the nature of the therapy, but we decided to visit Youtube and see what we can find from people who practice it, or have got involved in the therapy. Below is one of the videos we found.

We searched “eft for depression” which was one of the suggested searches offered by Google, and a slew of videos came up. Naturally we selected the first few but the following video seemed to really stand out to us. It wasn’t a video of a person actually going through the therapy, but we knew we’d get there in due time.

What ended up being truly inspiring about this video was more than it’s content. It was the comments by many of the people who watched the video. There were even some commenters who referred to “feeling healed” and such even while watching the video. We can say it was genuinely calming, but we still needed more proof.

Here’s Rourke talking with a crowd about alcohol addiction. At this point we felt we were getting a little closer to understand how EFT works and whether or not people have actually attested to is viability.

The problem we were encountering in our search for the truth on EFT and Rourke’s techniques was that there weren’t actually any testimonials anywhere on the web we could find regarding people who have used the therapy. Our last resort was to search the following; “”. The following video is what we found. Now you can watch it, but again take note of the comments, and then take note of the comments on most videos regarding EFT. You’ll definitely find many people claiming to have been relieved from trauma and successfully fighting addictions.

Our conclusions

At this time we’re not 100% sure as to whether EFT therapy actually works, but that’s because we haven’t yet tried the techniques on ourselves or sought out a Master. In the near future I’m going to tally up as many testimonials and videos from across the web and then practice the therapy myself. I will post back on my findings in the near future.

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