Is It Time To Get A Face Mask Respirator?

Written by Christian Rumi 27 February 2020 1,346 views No Comment

It’s 2020 and it looks like there just may be a problematic pandemic on the horizon – coronavirus – also known as COVID-19.

respirator-exampleUp until yesterday (February 26, 2020), there were only references to the COVID-19 virus on the web related to how many people have died, how many people have it, how many cities are locked down, and whether or not it’s spreading.

Now, news across the West are promoting news about wearing face respirators – this is a new and important development. The particular news was related to how effective respirators will work for people with facial hair – beards, and that the longer your beard hair, the less effective the respirators will be.

Of course there are a lot of people that are saying COVID-19 is only as serious as the common flu but at the other side of the spectrum we have officials saying various things like the virus could knock out 60% or more of the population and crash the stock market.

Considering the mixed messages, I think it’s safe to say it’s not a bad time to invest in a cheap respirator. This 3M respirator is very well priced, and will effectively stave-off COVID-19 among other toxins and poisonous substances.

At the moment, no one among the class of common folk knowns for sure how the spread of the coronavirus will pan out but with the latest news indicating it could get really bad, I say stock up on non-perishable food items, water, toiletries and of course, get yourself a face-mask respirator.

You can’t go wrong being safer than sorry.

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