A Step By Step Guide To Getting Rid of Gum Disease Without A Dentist

Written by Christian Rumi 5 February 2019 12,799 views No Comment

Today you’re going to learn how to get rid of gum disease (periodontal disease) and how to do so without having to go through dental surgery or even make a visit to your dentist. If you’re reading this, you probably feel that you have all the symptoms of gum disease, or your dentist has diagnosed you. It’s not at all difficult to self-diagnose gum disease because the symptoms are pretty clear. They are:

  • constant horrible taste in your mouth
  • your gums bleed when you brush and floss
  • your gums are receding, especially your back teeth
  • you have bad breath (Halitosis)
  • your gums, teeth and overall mouth aches
  • your gums are read and swelling
  • your teeth are becoming loose

If you have the above symptoms, your dentist doesn’t need to tell you that you have gum disease. Also, if you have the above symptoms, you’ve probably given up, but don’t want to go to the dentist. No one wants to hear their dentist say they have gum disease, no one wants to go through the treatment, and no one wants to undergo surgery. So what do you do?

The major problem with periodontal disease

There’s one major problem with gum disease that eventually forces you to go to the dentist if it’s not taken care of properly and that’s receding gums – especially the gums near and between your molars (your back teeth). With semi-extreme case of gum disease, there are big gaps and pockets between the gums of your molars of which if go a certain depth, usually invokes your dentist to suggest dental surgery for you.

These gaps and pockets occur because of one thing: not brushing and not flossing, and if you continue to neglect your oral care, the pockets will only get deeper, and your gum disease symptoms will continue to get worse.

Here’s the process: you eat sugary food, you rarely brush, you even more rarely floss. After a period of time the mixture of your saliva and sugar create a biofilm which builds up on your teeth and along your gum-line, and then bad-bacteria starts to grow. If the bad bacteria is not treated, gum disease takes over, bad breath sets in, and surgery (pocket depth reduction) or medical treatment (oral medicines) is the only answer.

Until now.

I am not kidding. If you follow the advice and procedures I’ll explain below, and if you persevere, you’ll get rid of gum disease and your mouth will finally feel awesome again. Actually, you’ll feel nothing in your mouth anymore.

How to cure gum disease without a dentist, surgery or medicine

Here we go. I want to mention that this takes a little motivation (you want your mouth to be healthy again right?) but you’ll start seeing and feeling results within a few weeks, and after approximately 3 to 4 months you’ll know the gum disease is gone. The only thing you’ll have to do to maintain your healthy mouth is to make sure to do the following every day.

WaterPik gum irrigatorThe tools you’ll need to cure gum disease

  • a small bottle of edible iodine, you can get it online or at your local health food store – Lugol’s is the best
  • a soft toothbrush and if you prefer, use toothpaste with baking soda in it already, like Arm and Hammer
  • a WaterPik gum and tooth irrigation system, they’re inexpensive and your local drug mart or Walmart has them
  • a small glass to mix a little bit of water and a drop of iodine with for swishing

The steps to take to cure gum disease without a dentist, surgery or medicine. Do the following once a day in the following order:

  • Rinse your mouth with room temperature water
  • Floss your teeth (go around twice)
  • Irrigate with a WaterPik with iodine infused water
  • Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush
  • Swish your mouth with iodine
  • Wait ten minutes and eat a small teaspoon of probiotic yogurt
  • Repeat every day, twice a day

That is it. Those are the exact steps you need to follow to accomplish this. Note though that apparently your gum-pockets won’t grow back. There’s a lot of information on the web that states you can make your gums grow back by oil-pulling but I haven’t read any verified testimonials proving it does, and I’ve read scientific documents that say it doesn’t work. With that said, there’s no proof that your gums can’t grow back, and they’re especially fast healers.

With that said, you have to repeat the process above every day for a few months but you’ll start seeing results pretty fast. Let me explain each point to you and also explain why you’ll be using iodine too.

Rinse your mouth with room temperature water

You rinse your mouth out with room temperature water to loosen up large debris that’s stuck between your teeth and your gum-pockets. If you have gum disease, you definitely have sensitive teeth, so there’s no reason to swish with cold water. Lukewarm will do just fine.

Floss your teeth

You floss your teeth to loosen up the biofilm (microbial aggregates), and to remove plaque from between your teeth. Biofilm builds up on your teeth and needs to be disturbed through flossing.

The term Biofilm (Wilderer and Charaklis 1989) describes the relatively indefinable microbial community associated with a tooth surface or any other hard non-shedding material, randomly distributed in a shaped matrix or glycocalyx.[2] In the lower layers of a biofilm, microbes are bound together in a polysaccharide matrix with other organic and inorganic materials. Above it, is a loose amorphous layer extending into the surrounding medium. The fluid layer bordering the biofilm has stationary and dynamic sub layers.

If you don’t floss, the biofilm continues to build up, and cause microbial havoc in your mouth. Disturbing this biofilm through flossing is one of the major steps to recovering from gum disease, but there still more to do.

Irrigate with a WaterPik with iodine infused water

You irrigate with a WaterPik using iodine infused water to force out any debris that is stuck in your gum-pockets, and to disinfect your mouth from bacterial growth, and the effect of biofilm.

Example Lugol's iodineThe use of the WaterPik will irrigate your gum-pockets too, removing an debris and food that’s been lodged or stuck down there.

There’s two benefits of using the WaterPik and iodine infused water: the WaterPik forces out debris and the remnants of biofilm, and the iodine kills any bacterial present. The best iodine to use in this case would be Lugol’s Iodine from Art Pharma. You can buy it here.

Dosage: get the #2 version of Lugol’s Iodine, and drop 3 to 5 drops of iodine in your WaterPik water container.

Iodine does not stain the teeth: edible iodine does NOT stain your teeth. It actually helps make your teeth whiter because it kills the bacteria related to plaque and tarter build up. Using iodine in conjunction with daily flossing will do wonders for your smile. Guaranteed!

Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush

Once you teeth have been rinsed, flossed and irrigated, you then brush your teeth normally, but using a soft tooth brush because you don’t want to irritate your gums until they’ve started to show signs of healing.

Example of a soft toothbrushA lot of people believe that brushing with a hard tooth brush will help stir up all the biofilm and bacteria more than a soft tooth brush will do, but it’s actually unnecessary and could further irritate your gums. Go soft and follow the steps in this guide and you’ll definitely reap the benefits.

Swish your mouth with iodine

The final step is to swish with water and iodine to kill off any last remaining bacteria and to get the disinfectant effects of iodine deep down into your gum-pockets, to clean your tongue and throat. Iodine in low doses is completely harmless and there are many benefits of consuming it. If your iodine deficient you’ll also reap the benefits of using iodine in conjunction with a proper dental hygienic plan too!

Eat a tiny bit of probiotic yogurt

Simply put, iodine kills bacteria – good or bad. When it comes to the bacteria in our mouths we want the good bacteria to thrive. When we irrigate and swish with iodine, we’re killing off all the good and bad bacteria and that is not particularly good for our oral health. The advice here is to take a little bit of probiotic yogurt (you don’t have to let it touch your teeth) in your mouth and let it melt on your tongue for a moment and then swallow it. The good bacteria in the yogurt will propagate and function normally in your mouth.

Repeat every day, twice a day

For some people repeating this process every day seems like  a gruelling task, but the reason it isn’t, and won’t be for you is because you’re going to see the results immediately – right after your first session. Because your gums are irritated they’ll bleed when flossing for the first few weeks but each day you go through the steps, your mouth is going to feel clean and amazing. This includes the first time.

If you repeat this process every day and do it twice a day after a major meal within about a month you’re going to exclaim that you don’t have gum disease anymore. You’ll just know it.

The best time to do this process is after lunch and after dinner. This process is especially effective for people that don’t eat breakfast because that’s one less layer of sugar to get off your teeth, and one less period of time that the sugar festers in your mouth.

The end results

Within a few days your mouth is going to feel so much cleaner,  your teeth will feel smoother and your terrible breath is going to start going away – you’re actually going to be able to tell that you don’t have bad breath anymore. Within about a month, your gums won’t bleed when you brush or floss anymore. Within a few months, your teeth are going to start looking whiter, and your gums will start looking more full and pink again.

The take home

The bottom line is, gum disease has to be tackled to the ground, and if you follow this guide, you’ll get rid of it on your own and your mouth will feel fantastic again after a few months. You have to stop the bad bacteria from growing and that’s where the flossing, gum-irrigation and iodine come into play.

Try out the procedures laid out in this guide and come back in a few months to leave a comment and let everyone know how it worked.

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