A Guide To Writing The Best Dating Site Profile

Written by Christian Rumi 24 March 2010 6,479 views No Comment

We can have no doubt that the internet is now full of dating websites, free dating sites, personals and paid dating sites. Since this is the case there is no real reason a man or a woman can’t find someone right?

Well you’re dead wrong. The reason is because people who join free dating sites or dating sites in general are getting smarter and can tell when a profile is fake or from a person that cares little about a serious relationship.

Example of people on a dateBut there is a way to increase your chances of getting a response message by someone on a free dating site so please, take these points seriously, test them and see for yourself. Don’t just copy and paste them though because that will not do.

You need to customize these profile writing tips towards yourself.

Dating Site Profile Writing Tip #1

Say nothing negative in your profile. It’s 2010 and most people only want to have positive and happy people in their circle of friends whether it’s a lover or only a friend.

Staying positive tells the person you’re interested in that you can keep up with them and get through the rough times too.

Dating Site Profile Writing Tip #2

Stay positive but write your profile according to your heart. Don’t try to be what you believe other people would want you to be. You need to be yourself as most people can tell if you’re faking it.

Be honest about who you are but don’t divulge silly information that shouldn’t be divulged on a dating site – like if you do drugs, keep that for your personal messages.

Dating Site Profile Writing Tip #3

Write from your heart and be as detailed as possible. If you’re a guy this is most important as woman tend to like to know a lot about a guy before they get involved with them.

Woman have a lot to deal with in this world and bringing another guy into their life that will only cause them trouble is a definitely ‘no no’.

The more descriptive and honest you are the more likely the person you’re messaging is going to be able to make an informed decision as to whether they should respond to you or not – based on your profile.

Dating Site Profile Writing Tip #4

Express your values. It cannot be over-emphasized as to how much people like to find life partners that have a lot in common with them – especially when it comes to morals.

If you can find someone that shares the same morals as you, you’re in luck.

Expressing your moral values in your profile is always going to make you win against other profiles that don’t mention anything to that effect.

If you’re a guy reading this remember, most woman are nice, considerate and caring and if they can see that same quality in your through your profile you’re going to be more in luck than the next profile.

Dating Site Profile Writing Tip #5

Express your values and while you’re following all of the above, the last and most important aspect of your profile is your spelling and grammar.

It cannot be stressed enough how important spelling and grammar are to a person’s view of you especially when it comes to selecting a potential mate or life partner.

If you consider yourself a smart person and want to bring a smarter person into your circle of life then you have to also prove that you’ve got what it takes to write a decent profile and use spell-checker after you’re done.

To a woman, a smart man is a turn on – take it from me.

Now remember that these tips may not always enhance your profile enough to attract every single person you’re interested in but they sure do help. I wish you luck in your dating adventures.

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