Internet Marketing Strategies and Your Website

Written by Christian Rumi 4 June 2010 6,941 views One Comment

Implementing internet marketing strategies for your website is vital to having a successful online business no matter where you are located in the world.

The internet marketing industry knows virtually hardly any bounds as there is practically no strategy that you can’t put to use whether you’re involved with a golf-ball-selling business or a virtual clothing store.

Each of these businesses is marketing something different, but will use nearly the same internet marketing strategies to accomplish the goal of increasing sales and revenues.

The overarching goal of your internet marketing strategies is to increase your website’s exposure throughout the World Wide Web.

The more people that are exposed to your business or website, the more chances you have to convert those visitors into paying customers.

Each of the internet marketing strategies that marketers use online are designed to accomplish this task. Here are a few strategies which you can put into practice immediately.

Social Networking Promotions

One of the internet marketing strategies that doesn’t require a website yet is more powerful if you do have one is social networking promotions.

Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and now Google Buzz are all social networking sites that can be used to generate leads, paying customers, and more direct traffic to your website.

For example, assume you have a product to sell. Sending out a Facebook status message or a message on your Twitter account will generate immediate attention and get people looking right where you want them to.

In addition, social networks have high PageRank in Google and the other search engines. This means that your business social networking profile may show up on the first or second page of the organic search engine results even if your main website shows up on page three!

Search Engine Results Placement

A goal of the internet marketing strategies that you put to use on your website is to increase your search engine results placement, that is, where your website can be found in the organic results in Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

To improve this placement, a variety of on-page and off-page techniques must be put to use.

First, your site should be designed and optimized for search engine crawlers. Your site should be clean and navigable, it should contain relevant content on each page, and avoid Flash designs where possible.

In addition, your web pages should contain the keywords for which you want to rank, and the HTML portion of your site should make use of all the Meta tags.

The off-page portion of these internet marketing strategies, however, involves the use of other websites to increase your overall pagerank, which helps maintain the steadiness of your organic results placement.

Backlinking internet marketing strategies can be used to increase your pagerank.

Forums and message boards can also be used to achieve the same result since you’re given a “signature” on most forums, which you can use to promote your site and receive a backlink.

Blog commenting, backlinking techniques, as well as forum and message board promotions are all part of the off-page internet marketing strategies your site can use.

All in all, a clear internet marketing plan that is designed to increase your pagerank, bolster your organic page rankings, and obtain more direct exposure for your website is what all webmasters and professional online marketers need.

Using a variety of internet marketing strategies, including on-page SEO as well as off-page backlinks, will ultimately help you with the end result.

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One Comment »

  • IRA CDs said:

    Don’t forget Article writing/posting and blog commenting for adding links and potential site referrals. High Value directories not only provide a good trusted backlink, but if the content is good, people will click-thru to your site.

    Blog Commenting can do the same, but the more comments on any one post, the more diluted the passed trust become as far as the link is concerned.