Benefits of IPL Photofacials For Your Facial Skin

Written by Christian Rumi 5 February 2020 2,477 views No Comment

It can be difficult keeping track of each rejuvenation procedure available. However, the completely non-invasive Intense Pulsed Light facial, or IPL, procedure is something that most people with facial skin issues are interested in learning about.

IPL rejuvenated facial skinIPL is a great way to take care of minor facial imperfections with next to no downtime and very little money out of pocket.

The following lists information about the ground-breaking procedure and what the treatment is best for:

What is the IPL procedure for?

IPL is both a medical and a cosmetic procedure. It can be used to improve your face’s aesthetic, but it is also utilized for therapeutic reasons.

For example, this amazing process can be used for hair removal and photo rejuvenation.

IPL also used to treat imperfections such as:

  • acne scars
  • facial veins
  • rosacea
  • age and sun spots
  • spider veins
  • birthmarks
  • discolouration caused by hormonal changes
  • dull complexions

Photofacials have several benefits, including an improvement in your face’s texture, increased collagen production, and a tightened and more youthful-looking face.

How do IPL treatments work?

The IPL technique uses light therapy to treat and eliminate a wide plethora of dermatological problems. Intense light pulses surge deep below the dermis’s surface to cause blood vessels and collagen to contract.

A special wand, which looks similar to a constantly-blinking flashlight, delivers what is referred to as “broad spectrum light” in multiple doses to improve your facial skin’s outer layer down to each cell’s molecular level.

The process reduces most pigment issues as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

Basically, the light causes what is called “cell disruption” below the surface. The light is measured in short waves which emit high heat. This is what starts the process.

Unlike regular lasers, the light penetrates much deeper to stimulate collagen reproduction. The result is much more firm and dexterous tissue.

The whole treatment is completely non-invasive. There is not one single injection or incision involved. This includes anesthesia since the treatment is painless and numbing is not necessary.

How long is the entire process?

The IPL procedure takes between 30 minutes to one hour. To shorten your procedure time, plan ahead by coming in with all cosmetics and products removed from your face.

Men interested in IPL should also come in clean-shaven on their treatment days.

What happens on the day of your procedure?

First, your aestheticians will prepare your face or other treatment areas with a pre-treatment prep-cream.

This allows the flat, glass surface of the IPL wand to glide smoothly across your face. You will be asked to wear protective eye gear as well.

The process is nearly painless. Most patients compare the sensation to the feeling of a very small thin rubber band snapping  on the face’s surface. The amount of pulses emitted all depends on the size of the area bring treated.

Any discomfort can be eliminated with the application of cool packs or moist puffs.

What is the downtime of the procedure?

Believe it or not, you can have an even-toned and youthful face with next to no downtime.

Most of the time, patients are able to go back to work, school, or any other regular activities on the same or next day.

Barring any sensitivity issues, you can also go back to wearing makeup and skin products as you normally would right away.

Does IPL have any side effects or associated risks?

There are no major risks. The exact treatment area may have a lot of redness across the area where the light was emitted, however, it will fade within one to three days.

In some rare cases, crusting occurs in that same area may occur, and some minor bruising is possible.

Each minor side effect tends to clear up quickly. If there is some minor bruising, it may take from one week to up to two weeks to visibly heal. Crusting only tends to last approximately ten days. Most medical spas have creams you can purchase to increase the moisture in your facial skin.

It should also be noted that if you did this treatment to eliminate sun spots and freckles, they may actually appear darker for three to seven days before fading. Just know that this is completely normal.

Also, long term sun exposure may add to swelling post-treatment, however, the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the risks.

Sometimes, dark spots as well as other tissue pigmentation issues can surface. These problems can be easily reversed with further treatments.

What about the results of the IPL treatment?

You should start to see a vast improvement in about one week. Just remember that you must take proper care of yourself to maintain the look that process has availed to you.

This means you need to cleanse your face both day and night with a non-abrasive, gentle cleaner.

During the day, apply sunscreen to prevent your face from getting re-damaged. Also, exfoliate and moisturize regularly. Keeping a daily facial regimen of proper care and moisturizing will help you to achieve the desired results.

That being said, it is highly recommended that you receive between five and six treatments to get the best results from the procedure. They should be spaced between three weeks and one month apart to be on the safe side.

Ask your aesthetician his or her opinion about which options are best for you.

Who are the best candidates for IPL?

The IPL treatment works best for those that have pale or light brown skin. Those that have darker skin may scar more easily since it is, in essence, an imperfection-lightening procedure.

You should also speak with your primary care physician about IPL if you are, or may be pregnant, or if you have a serious skin conditions.

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