Post a picture of Janice Joplin, captioned with a completely illogical quote, and people will like it because it’s a Janice Joplin quote

Written by Christian Rumi 30 March 2013 4,885 views No Comment

Stupid Janice Joplin QuotesIt’s incredible and it never ceases to amaze me. It’s true, you can post a picture of Janice Joplin, captioned with a completely illogical quote, and people will like it because it’s a Janice Joplin quote.

Well what if Janice Joplin was wrong? Would you still like the picture? Would you still like the quote? Here’s a better question: do you think you would like and agree with every thing that Janice Joplin ever said? Most likely probably not.

I’ve sadly seen thousands upon thousands of pictures with completely illogical and insane captions – all earning hundreds or thousands of likes and hundreds of thousands of comments agreeing with it.

I just know if I get each and every one of them in a room, I could prove to them that they indeed don’t agree with the quote, certain ones anyways.

But that’ll never happen and that’s my pet peeve – brainless and mindless people on Facebook who frivolously like any picture and any quote because someone they like said it.

It doesn’t even have to be someone they like. It could be someone whom they think or consider is smart, Einstein.

But what can we do? Not many of us think for ourselves or think beyond the box we’ve been put in or placed ourselves in.

For most it feels more comfortable relying on the norm – who wants to think anyways?

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