Why Light Weight RV Travel Trailers Are Top Sellers

Written by Christian Rumi 18 March 2016 14,028 views No Comment

If you’re going to find the right information about something you need to get that information from a reliable source. In this case that source is Brad Campkin from Campkin’s RV, one of Ontario’s premier RV dealers who professes that the top selling RV for almost a decade straight has been the lightweight travel trailer.

Example of a Light weight RV travel trailerWhy is that? As you can tell from this list of pictures of lightweight travel trailers the main feature is the towing ability.

From the extraordinary Surveyor travel trailer to the economical r pod Expandable travel trailer you have a group of lightweight RVs that the majority of us can afford because they can be towed on most mid-sized vehicles.

The lightweight travel trailer ranges from 16 to 30 feet long and is compatible with most of today’s SUVs and small trucks.

For instance the r pod travel trailer boasts the lowest weight in it’s class.

In an RV a low tow weight becomes tremendously attractive to prospecting buyers especially if they’re vehicle is a lighter model.

According to Brad Campkin the last ten years has seen a rise in lightweight trailer sales and the slow but steady decline of full-sized travel trailer sales.

He has also noted that industry manufacturers are always working towards reducing the weight of the full-sized travel trailer by holding back on the amount of materials used or the weight of those materials.

It seems the ultimate goal of most RV Manufactures like the goal of most industries is smaller is better and most of the time cheaper.

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