Astrology – 20 Attributes of a Person with Moon In Aquarius

Care of Maharani Rutan
If you’ve read your natal chart, you may have found that your your Moon is in Aquarius. If so read on and find out a little more about yourself. But remember, there are twelve other “houses” in your natal chart and you should also check those too and find out the relevance of the aspects of certain planets in your chart.
So below I’m going to list 20 attributes related to having the moon in Aquarius for a natal chart.
When your moon is in Aquarius
So below is a list of attributes of a person who was born with the Moon in Aquarius. Feel free to leave your comments and additions to the list in the comments below.
- needs emotional freedom
- needs a certain level of constant independence or the feeling thereof
- is comfortable dealing with issues logically rather than too emotionally
- attracted to intelligent people of the opposite sex
- extremely observant
- deep understanding of human nature
- a drive to analyze people
- a knowledge that they are somewhat different than regular thinking people
- sociable but inverted
- strong defence mechanisms
- strongly idealistic
- sometimes emotionally blocked, distant and detached
- proud of their family and family members
- given to strong anger if provoked
- humanitarian tendencies
- can seem to lack compassion but this is due to their strong logical faculties
- very very trustworthy and loyal
- a non-conformist
- can be quite unmistakably stubborn until they “calm down” or think things over
- do not want to be rushed or forced into making an emotional commitment
Now please note: the above does contain some positive and negative aspects of the attributes of a person with a moon in Aquarius and even though some of the points seem negative, remember there is always 2 (or more) sides to a story. For instance when reading “unmistakably stubborn”, if you look deep enough, you can see that that stubbornness can actually be a plus especially when it comes to being abused or pushed around.
So feel free to leave your comments below and come again as I’ll be posting more information about another aspect, and this will be when a person has Mercury in Leo.