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The Key Elements Of A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan
Posted by Christian Rumi on Thursday, July 16th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [4,725 views]
Chapter 13 is a plan for debtors who wish to keep some of their secured property such as a home or a car. A security interest is created most often when a consumer buys a new product such as a home, auto, or tools for doing work. Because the consumer items are expensive, the debtor needs to take out a loan. The creditor wants to have some assurance, other than the credit-worthiness of the consumer, to insure it will get paid. To protect their loan, the creditor then requires that the consumer agree that if they don’t pay the loan, the creditor can repossess the item that was purchased. Debtors can also agree that creditors have a security interest (a right to repossess collateral on default) even after they’ve purchased the item. Many […]
What is Debt Consolidation And How Does It Work?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Tuesday, June 9th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [13,069 views]
Debt consolidation refers to combining the many debts of a consumer into one obligation. A debt consolidation is a way of combining some or all of these debts into one payment. Essentially, the debtor agrees to take out a new loan. The loan allows the debtor to pay off the many claims in return for paying one larger claim. Most consumers have multiple debt obligations simultaneously. Paying just one debt is simpler. Consolidating the debts may have financial advantages too. Consumers who own a home or a car will pay a monthly principal payment plus interest (a loan payment) for the obligations. Home and car debts are often given because the debtor agreed to return the home or car if the loan is not paid. A debt that uses collateral (a home or […]
Learn These 10 Important Things You Should Do During a Debt Settlement Process
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, May 25th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [2,713 views]
The process of debt settlement is almost impossible if done alone, or if done without the know-how of the process; it is like wishful thinking of being debt free. It is important to involve knowledgeable people to help you manage your finances and clear you from debts as well as improve your credit score. A good bankruptcy advocate understands the importance of being debt free and proper management of debts whether as an individual or company. In the year 2014, a statistical survey carried out in Connecticut indicates that at least three hundred (300) people in each county population petitioned for bankruptcy. It is obvious that is a very large number of individuals declared bankrupt, and a clear indication that bankruptcy is increasing rather exponentially. Discussed below are some of the pointers to […]
What Conduct does the Automatic Stay Stop and What Conduct it Doesn’t Stop
Posted by Christian Rumi on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [5,915 views]
The filing of bankruptcy petition (chapter 7 or Chapter 13) automatically stops a lot of activity by creditors. Any creditor who doesn’t stop the activity may be subject to sanctions by the bankruptcy court. There are exceptions as noted below. If an exception doesn’t apply, then the creditor must formally ask the bankruptcy court for relief/permission to continue their conduct. The main things that debtors should know is that once they file a bankruptcy, in most cases, they will be able to breathe, have time to plan their financial future and STOP the harassing phone calls and collection agencies. Collection agencies can no longer directly contact the debtor by calling them at work or at home. Creditors must stop all court case actions. All attempts to repossess your home or your vehicle must […]
The Top 10 Incidentals To Be Ready For When Purchasing A Home
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [4,863 views]
When buying a home it’s always important to ensure everything is in order, and this especially comes true when dealing with the incidentals of buying a new home. On my website where we provide listings for homes for sale in the Brantford area, we get inquires on a regular basis asking us not only whether they can look at various homes for sale, but they also inquire as to what other incidentals, or, hidden costs they should save up for as well. It’s not as simple as saving up the money or obtaining a loan from the bank because during the whole process, unforeseen things will come up that will require you to dip into your saving or pocket book. It’s just the nature of the game and with that said, I’m going to list off […]
The First 5 Most Important Tips To Consider When Purchasing Your First Home
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, April 26th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [4,126 views]
So you’re thinking of buying a house but before you do, you need to know a bit more pieces of important information besides finding the right real estate agent. Find a good real estate agent is one step to the game and can generally be an easy process especially if you rely on the word of friends and family but when the decision is made, the following 5 important tips should also be at the forefront of your buying process. Of course you have to go through the process of finding a decent realtor, getting pre-approved and the whole financial shebang, but this article tries to dig into the deeper matters for you – matters that if overlooked could become giant pitfalls – pitfalls that could have definitely been avoided. If you take and […]
Must Read 7 Best Tips To Prepare Your Child For A Visit To The Dentist
Posted by Christian Rumi on Friday, April 10th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [3,446 views]
Dentists are feared all over the world, by children and adults alike. Most people dread that visit to the dentist, and will only do so when it is absolutely necessary (after that agonizing toothache, or when a tooth falls out or gets broken during sports). Dental phobia is definitely a concern shared by millions of people, and some people will never undergo dental treatment unless they are first sedated. Therefore, if you have been dreading your child’s first visit to the dentist, you are in good company. It is also safe to assume that your child is not looking forward to that visit either, unless they are completely unaware of what goes on in a dentist’s office. Either way, there are certain things that you can do to make that first (or second, […]
Constantly Prevent Bad Breath With These 10 Simple Tips
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, March 29th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [2,357 views]
No one likes bad breath; not you nor your friends and family. Preventing bad breath can be easy, even if it’s a chronic condition, and following the ten simple steps will help you defeat it. Bad breath, which is also medically referred to as halitosis, is a common dental problem that many people find embarrassing and overwhelming to deal with. If you visit any dental office or pharamcy, you’ll find lots of gum, mouth wash and toothpastes that promise to fight bad breath. For some who have tried all these products, the problem of halitosis just doesn’t go away or have a permanent effect on bad breath. The problem is most products that advertised to give you fresh breath only address the symptoms and not the actual cause of the problem. With that said, […]
Basic Tips On How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy For a Lifetime
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [1,979 views]
You probably know the importance of brushing and flossing, but sadly, this is just not enough for you to maintain healthy teeth for a lifetime. If you plan on keeping your teeth healthy you’ll need to step up your game and find out ways to boost your oral hygiene. I’ve compiled a list of important dental health tips to get you started. Know your dental needs Everyone has a unique set of dental needs mainly because of different lifestyle habits. For instance, people who consume many drugs often experience issues such as dry mouth. There are others who are more prone to dental cavities. Pregnant women may also experience issues like gingivitis and inflammation whereas patients with asthma are more prone to plaque because they often breathe through their mouths. If you have braces, cleaning your […]
Does EFT With David Rourke Really Work?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Saturday, February 7th, 2015 | Posted in Posts - [4,361 views]
A friend of mine was inquiring not too long ago about EFT working as described by David Rourke. I explained to her that I’ve heard about EFT and that doing a little research into Rourke’s techniques might be in order. What is EFT? EFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques. Apparently applying these techniques on a regular basis will “raise the physical and psychological bodies to more healthier and balanced vibrations”. In a nutshell, they’re supposed to relieve and heal you of any stress and trauma you endured while growing up or even during your adult life. In order to receive EFT assistance, one must find an EFT Master of whom must obtain an array of qualifications and take an EFT Master exam. The full list of qualifications can be found here (source). As you can see […]
The Top 7 Electromaax Customer Quotes Worth Mentioning
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,767 views]
You might be wondering why publishing Electromaax customer quotes are so important to boaters. The reason is simple; it’s a great product but only after reading the experiences of other boaters, can you actually make an informed buying decision. We believe in our product so much and when we find we’ve contributed to a boater’s positive experience, we feel satisfied. Are you wondering if Electromaax products will work for you? Good! So Let’s get started but before I get to the top 7 Electromaax customer quotes that I felt you should read, I’d like you to watch the video below to get a preview of a typical marine alternator and pulley kit installation: As you can see we demonstrated the ease of installation of our aftermarket marine alternators marine serpentine pulley kit. It really is […]
A Working Way To Register At Yahoo Without A Phone Number
Posted by Christian Rumi on Friday, October 17th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [42,317 views]
This is going to be short and sweet because it actually works and if you think about it, you’ll kick yourself for not figuring it out yourself. The simple and easy way to register a Yahoo account with a real phone number is by using someone else’s. Wait! Really? Yes, go try it yourself. There are two possible outcomes that will occur after your 1 attempt which could turn into two. Now this is going to sound really shady and I know I’m going to get a lot of flack in the responses for this, but this is how you do it. After reading this, go to the next section where I show you the other way. All you need to do is enter any local land or mobile number into the phone […]
Why Home Owners Should Seek Wildlife Intrusion Prevention Before Problems Start
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,254 views]
People who own their homes put a special kind of pride into them. They understand the value of a dollar and they don’t want to see it’s value go down through problems that can be avoided. One of the major but avoidable problems home owners eventually experience is the problem of wildlife intrusion. When it comes to wildlife problems there are two areas home owners have to consider; the first is the health and safety of everyone in your home and the second is the value of your home. A home that is susceptible to diseases which can be transmitted through wildlife is, simply put, not a safe place to live. It’s the same result when it comes to home damage; a home that has all sorts of structural and integral damage won’t be valued as high as […]
The Top 10 Signs You Need Animal Control Or Wildlife Removal
Posted by Christian Rumi on Tuesday, August 12th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [18,747 views]
There’s no shortage of reasons why animal control is needed and there’s enough evidence pointing to why wildlife removal is important to your safety. But how do you know if you have wild animals like squirrels, mice and raccoons living in your attic? How do you discover if you have a bat colony to contend with or a family of birds that need to be removed from your air vents? These are the most common questions home owners like you have, and we’re going to answer your questions below. Remember, if you do discover that you are harbouring wild animals, the objective is to control the situation professionally and to have the animals removed safely, and as soon as possible. We don’t want any accidents happening and we want everyone involved to be safe. […]
Top 10 User Friendly And Good Looking Dating Sites
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, July 14th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [4,089 views]
When it comes to online dating, there are a few things the owners of these sites should take into consideration. Aesthetics are quite important, probably the most important factor one should take into consideration when developing a dating site, but there are a few other factors like the all important usability factor. Before I delve into those factors and declare the winning site of this top ten aesthetically pleasing dating sites, I’ll give you the top 10 list below. In the end you be the judge and feel free to leave your views in the comments below. One of the judgement values going into this top 10 list is whether or not the dating site looks like a blog. If it does, it didn’t make the list. Sorry guys, but a dating site […]
The Top 10 Signs You Have A Bat Infestation In Your Attic
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [45,581 views]
Do not let bats infest your attic. It’s important to know the 10 signs of a bat infestation and to take action immediately if you find you have one. Bats are known to carry diseases which can be fatal to humans and other animals, and their droppings contain the same. With that said, I’ve decided to put together a ten point check-sheet with the top ten signs of a bat infestation and what you can do about it. Below are the top 10 signs of a bat infestation followed by a plan of action for those who believe they actually have one. 1. You see a bat in your house: This is one of the most obvious signs bats are living in your attic. Of course there could be that rare time that a random […]
Why I Bought A Wheaten And Am Now Proud Of My Puppy Whoodles
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,751 views]
Since I was a child, I’ve loved all animals but had a particular interest in dogs. I’ve owned several different breeds in my lifetime; a doberman named Spike, he was wonderful in most ways, but he would shed a lot and was sometimes rough with the kids. I’ve owned two Schnauzers; both great in every way, non shedding, great with the kids, great with other creatures, but unfortunately both had developed health problems which were costly and unavoidable. Then one day I adopted a Soft Coated Wheaten I named Cooper. I’ve had Cooper for now for 7 years and he’s only ever been to the vet for his annual shots; never for any type of illness ever. He is friendly, loveable, very good with other creatures; he helped foster kittens and he treated […]
When Would Someone File For Chapter 20 Bankruptcy?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, May 5th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,158 views]
In “the good ol’ days” (before 2005) a bankruptcy debtor with a mortgage problem could file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and discharge all of his unsecured debts, then immediately turn around and file a Chapter 13 to deal with real estate debt. Bankruptcy attorneys referred to this as a “Chapter 20” (Chapter 7 plus Chapter 13). The 2005 amendments to the Bankruptcy Code sought to kill this practice; however recent cases have revived the Chapter 20 practice. See In re Davis (Branigan v. Davis), 716 F.3d 331 (4th Cir. 2013). Why would anyone want to file two bankruptcy cases? That is a good question – and there are some good answers for it! Filing 2 bankruptcy cases Imagine that you are self-employed and have a non-dischargeable $80,000 tax debt to the IRS, and […]
When Did This Become This
Posted by Christian Rumi on Thursday, April 24th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,330 views]
What a good question, but if you post this “When did this become this” picture before pondering the logical answer, you shouldn’t be posting pictures on the Internet. Why? Well here’s the answer: the “become this?” part of the picture, became this, because of quite a few developments in the modern world and none of them had to do with the government or corporations and their desires to enslave humanity. No, it, had “become this” when; crime rates started dramatically increasing each year criminal’s weapons became more deadly gangs started using high powered automatic weapons teenagers became more bold, brazen and destructive during lawful protests which became, unlawful bank robberies and hostage taking became a common occurrence when regular citizens decided bombing public places was a good choice (yes they needed to be found […]
4 Essential Tips To Enhance The Use Of Your Projector
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, April 20th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,286 views]
When it comes to getting the most useful hours out of the use of your projector you may be under the impression that the only thing you can do is replace the lamp whenever it starts to become dim. Thankfully, this is not the case. There are some things that you can do to add some extra life to your projector bulb, and here are a few of those tips for your perusal. Before you continue reading, if you hadn’t read my previous article on the basics of projector lamps, do that first so you can gain a better understanding of lamp basics and optimize your viewing experience. Let’s continue. The following are 4 tips that if following religiously, will extend the life of your lamp and same you money on purchasing replacements. #1: Always […]
Conspiracy Theory Debunked – The Enslavement Of Humanity Theory
Posted by Christian Rumi on Saturday, April 19th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,236 views]
This is an easy conspiracy theory to debunk and the reason it is is because it cannot happen. If it did happen, there would be nothing left for anyone, and in the end, those, who so-called perpetrated the “incident” would have nothing left either – let me elaborate. The conspiracy theory that revolves around the belief that all government powers of the world (or a certain few) and/or corporations are trying to enslave all of humanity is one of the most illogical conspiracy theories I know. If you think it’s beneficial to any one government or corporation to enslave humanity, you haven’t thought it out enough, but if you read on, you will hopefully gain some insight. At first thought, and without any thought thereafter, it seems like a plausible idea, especially when […]
What Does Chapter 7 Redemption Mean
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, April 13th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,714 views]
There are many bankruptcy strategies to assist honest debtors obtain a fresh start. One of the best tactics for Chapter 7 debtors is found in Section 722 of the Bankruptcy Code: Redemption. Redemption is only available to Chapter 7 filers. (if you don’t know what chapter 7 entails, view this link) Chapter 7 allows the debtor to redeem secured collateral for an amount equal to the secured portion of the loan. In other words, if you have a car worth $7,500, and owe the lender $17,000, the secured portion of the loan is $7,500 and the unsecured portion is $9,500. You can redeem the car for $7,500 and the remaining $9,500 is subject to discharge at the end of your case. Property is determined by its Replacement Value The secured portion of property […]
What Is The Best Vacuum For Allergy Sufferers?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, March 31st, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [14,238 views]
Whether your allergy1 symptoms stem from seasonal irritants like pollen, or from environmental issues like dander or dust, it is important to have the right tools at home in order to ease your symptoms. Tackling this kind of problem means having important things like a good vacuum cleaner, as well as a way to remove dust and build-up from hard to reach places like corners, crevices, and behind furniture or appliances. Determine What Features Are Necessary The first step in choosing the best household cleaning tool for reducing allergy symptoms is to evaluate what your needs are. This will make it easier to narrow the choices down to just a few models. Some will find that features such as a reusable or easy to change filter are important while others may prefer compact […]
Should I Get A Big Screen TV Or Projector
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, March 30th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [4,275 views]
If you have been deciding between purchasing a big screen TV or a projector, but can’t decide which is better for your home and lifestyle, read on. There are many good points that are associated with both of them, but some options fit better with specific homes, viewing styles, and intent, more than others. Quite recently, I wrote about the ideal ways of setting up your projector for the next big sporting event, but I felt it was also necessary to give you some information as to which medium you should choose for such events. You can read that article here (source). Now that you’re ready, follow along while we compare the benefits and the problems that each offer you and hopefully this article can help you narrow down your options. Size Considerations The […]
The King In Yellow In PDF
Posted by Christian Rumi on Saturday, March 29th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [6,674 views]
For those looking for a PDF format of the book, “The King In Yellow” will find it here. I have personally looked around the net and could not find it, so I used a text version of the book I found here, and turned it into a PDF so you can download it. Don’t waste your time trying to download it from other sites that claim to offer the PDF format of the book because it’s a farce, or they make you Like something, or register – not here – The King In Yellow can be download in PDF format below. Download The King In Yellow PDF here. Leave your comments or reviews of the book below.
Can I Continue Retirement Contributions During Bankruptcy?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Friday, March 28th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [6,130 views]
If you’re wondering whether you can continue to make contributions while you’re going through the bankruptcy process read on to find out if you can. Bankruptcy courts, including appellate courts, are split whether a debtor may continue payroll deductions to fund a voluntary retirement account, such as a 401(k), during a Chapter 13 case. The issue boils down to two competing interests: savings for the debtor’s retirement versus additional payments to unsecured creditors during the bankruptcy case. In attorney jargon, are wages earmarked for retirement contributions considered “disposable income?” Three competing interpretations have developed. First, some courts find that voluntary retirement contributions are not disposable income, so debtors can continue to make them during a Chapter 13 plan period. This is the majority view. Courts adopting this view permit debtors to make voluntary contributions […]
Should I Buy A Marine Wind Generator?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Thursday, March 27th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,335 views]
In this article I’m going to talk a little about marine wind generators and how converting wind power into a usable energy source is a wise decision. As an avid cruiser or just starting out travelling the open seas, your station is mostly in the water, and that’s where you want to ensure your source of power is always topped and there’s no chance of running out of power while you’re out at sea. In today’s day and age, the technology behind wind energy is ever expanding and manufacturing wind generators that are extremely efficient – much more than they were even 15 years ago is becoming the industry norm. With the technology getting better each year, as a boating enthusiast, you can’t go wrong installing one of your own. Do you want […]
What If I Forget To Declare Property During Bankruptcy?
Posted by Christian Rumi on Sunday, March 23rd, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,342 views]
It’s natural to want to know and inquire as to what happens if you forget to declare any of your property during bankruptcy. I’ll answer this below. During Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor is charged with disclosing all of his or her income, expenses, assets and debts. The point is to allow the bankruptcy court to consider what the debtor needs to effectively reorganize personal finances. In a Chapter 7 liquidation case, certain assets not necessary to the debtor’s welfare are taken by the bankruptcy trustee and sold to pay the creditors; the people you owe. Debtors are allowed to keep certain property that is reasonable and necessary for their personal welfare. To this end, federal and state exemption laws exist to protect a debtor’s property in bankruptcy. Disclosing ownership of an asset […]
8 Important Facts You Didn’t Know About Marine Watermakers
Posted by Christian Rumi on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,704 views]
For the most part, unless you’re an avid boater, chances are you are unaware of the fact that boats can be equipped with water maker and desalination systems. Reverse osmosis desalination systems have been around for quite some time, but if you haven’t yet cruised the deep blue seas, it’s important that you get a basic understand about them. I’ve decided to put together 8 facts about marine water makers to get your started. 1. Compared to other devices on your boat, marine water makers can be relatively inexpensive This is not to say that there isn’t some financial investment. There is. But like everything with your boat, perspective is needed. The boat itself and all of the devices, appliances, and parts of the boat require some cost, investment, and benefit calculations. For example, […]
Understanding the Basics of Projector Lamps To Enhance Your Viewing Experience
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, March 17th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,718 views]
While most projectors have similar maintenance plans, understanding the basics of your lamp and how to properly care for it is pertinent to it’s longevity. Here is the best way to understand your projector’s lamp so that you can get the most out of it before you have to replace it. When it comes to proper projector care, one of the best things is to know the different items you need to maintain within your projector and starting off with your lamp is a good idea. The Life of Projector Bulbs When you buy a projector, it typically comes with a bulb that will have approximately a 3,000 hour lifespan. Now, this does not mean that your projector bulb is going to hit 3,000 hours and suddenly turn off, this is just an average […]
The Supreme Court Rules To Protect Bankruptcy Exemptions
Posted by Christian Rumi on Friday, March 14th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [1,805 views]
Bankruptcy is a complex set of laws that balance the interests of debtors against the rights of creditors to receive payments. The central feature of the bankruptcy law is the Bankruptcy Code, authorized by the U.S. Constitution and written by Congress. The Bankruptcy Code is generally the supreme law in a bankruptcy case and debtors, trustees, creditors, and even bankruptcy judges are obligated to follow its dictates. The recent U.S. Supreme Court case of Law v. Siegel examines the extent of how obligated a bankruptcy judge is to follow the Bankruptcy Code. In this case, the Chapter 7 debtor, Law, claimed that his home had two liens against it and also applied a California state homestead exemption of $75,000 to protect any remaining equity. If his assertions were true, there was no equity […]
Setting Up Your Projector for the Next Big Sporting Event
Posted by Christian Rumi on Monday, March 10th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [2,646 views]
Projectors can really come in handy for any kind of sporting event and the consensus is, the bigger the screen you’re watching it on, the better. You can set up the projector to create the illusion of a giant television without losing the depth and definition that old projectors could not offer. They’re great because you can have as big of a screen as you want, allowing you to have a huge party with all of your friends and family having first row seats. If you are setting up for a huge sporting event, here are some basic things that any party needs! Using Your Projector to Watch the Game Make sure you have your projector set up in a safe part of your room before people come over. You don’t want people walking […]
Refitting an Electromaax Alternator
Posted by Christian Rumi on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [4,234 views]
Since a lot of people are asking, I thought it would be a good idea to publish information that will help when refitting an Electromaax alternator. There are a host of issues where you might find yourself needing to refit a new alternator. You may have been noticing signs in your boat for some time, or you may have an unrelated electrical leakage problem or similar issues and find that a complete refit is needed. After some research, you may very well find that Electromaax is one of the best options. If you are someone who really should be doing this yourself, but just need a little guidance, it doesn’t hurt to look at a specific example of someone doing the same thing. This can help to walk through the process and look at […]