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  • Integrating Into The World Of The Amish

    Posted by on Thursday, February 27th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,746 views]

    The Amish wouldn’t be the Amish without their religion. Their lifestyle and indeed their communities are all religious-centric without exception, and because of this anyone looking to date within the Amish community needs to fully understand their own perspective on religion before getting into the dating scene. About 90% of all Amish people choose to be baptized at the end of their adolescence, or Rumspringa, so by the time they’ve matured, the overwhelming majority will have made a lifelong commitment to their faith. Converting is a huge taboo within the Amish communities. If you run into someone who has not yet been baptized by the Amish church, then religion will be a subject that you two can discuss between yourselves, but if you meet someone who has been fully baptized within the religion […]

  • What Is A Saturn Sigil?

    Posted by on Monday, January 13th, 2014 | Posted in Posts - [3,106 views]

    In the future I’ll post a much larger PNG of this Saturn Sigil but for now this will do for the person who’s searching for and seeking information about one. To make a long story short, a sigil is the latin translation of the word or notion of a signature or magical formulae. It can look like a LOGO. A Saturn Sigil is a sigil of the planet/God Saturn.  If you’ve come to find an image of a saturn sigil, here you have it. Feel free to download and use as you wish without the need of attribution unless you’d like to leave a link to where you used it in the comments below.

  • Transform Your Teenager’s Room With Bean Bag Chairs

    Posted by on Sunday, December 29th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [1,915 views]

    Teenagers can be incredibly picky when it comes to how their bedroom looks. They may suddenly want a to pain the room a different color, add new carpet, or even new furniture. When letting them do any of these options, it is important to consider the cost, and whether the changes are just a passing phase or not. Even if it is a phase, there are some affordable ways to deal with it. Let Them Choose The Theme Or Color The first step in transforming a teen’s room is to let them pick out what kind of theme or color they want. They may prefer all red, or even all black for the walls or accessories. If repainting the walls or replacing the carpet is not an option, there are still ways to […]

  • How To Replace A Rainbow Vacuum Belt

    Posted by on Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,097 views]

    At some point, nearly every vacuum cleaner needs to have a little work done on it. Often, it is simple parts, like a new filter, a different hose, or even the belt. Many of these parts are easy to change at home with a few basic tools and an hour or so of time. To get started with this, vacuum owners should obtain the replacement part and clear space to take the unit apart in. Access The Belt After clearing space to work in, the first step is to make sure that the unit is turned off and unplugged. Once it has been unplugged, the next step is to remove the floor brush from the unit. The floor brush, such as the Power Nozzle, often has a small belt on the underside that […]

  • The Top Ten Reasons To Choose A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [2,352 views]

    Bankruptcy is a powerful tool for restructuring personal finances, discharging oppressive debt, and granting the “poor but unfortunate debtor” a fresh start. While there are several different methods for filing bankruptcy found in the various chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, the most popular is a liquidation bankruptcy found in Chapter 7. If you need a refresher on Chapter 7 or just some common knowledge, simply follow this link for the basics. It’s Time to Start Fresh A Chapter 7 is an “erase-your-debts-and-start-fresh” bankruptcy. In a Chapter 7, non-exempt property is taken and sold to pay creditors. Any debt that is not paid is discharged, as long as it has not been excluded by law or by the bankruptcy court, such as a child support debt. There are many benefits to Chapter 7, so […]

  • Dionne Warwick’s Latest Attempts to Discharge Over $10 Million in Taxes

    Posted by on Sunday, December 8th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [2,670 views]

    Have you heard the news? In September, the bankrupt soul singer Dionne Warwick filed a lawsuit against the United States and State of California to discharge federal and state taxes dating back to 1991. Warwick had previously been granted a Chapter 7 discharge by a New Jersey bankruptcy court in July, and now seeks a determination by the bankruptcy court that her tax debt was included in that discharge. The Internal Revenue Service filed a claim in Warwick’s bankruptcy totaling almost $7 million and the State of California filed claims at over $3 million. Warwick’s attorneys assert that all of her federal and state tax debts were included in the July discharge order. They stated that all of the taxes claimed owed by the IRS and State of California were assessed more than […]

  • Creating A Pythagorean Oval

    Posted by on Sunday, November 17th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,894 views]

    Mathematically, or even scientifically, I’m not sure whether there is such thing as a Pythagorean Oval, but in the images below you’ll see how a supposed Pythagorean Oval can be created using the calculations of Pythagoras’ Theorem. Step 1 Step 1 is easy. Simply create your 3 by 4 rectangle. Step 2 Now, divide your 3 by 4 square to create your Pythagorean 3, 4, 5 Triangle. Step 3 Now we display the theorem which states that a2 + b2 = c2 based on a right angle triangle. So we’ve all seen this before; probably in high school, maybe later; maybe while studying Sacred Geometry or you’ve heard of it through Masonry. Either way, the equation is, the hypotenuse squared will be equal to the length of the other 2 sides squared. in […]

  • What Is The Average Time Of Birth

    Posted by on Saturday, July 20th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,938 views]

    Every now and then someone wants to figure out the worldwide average time of birth. Not only that, but the average birth of people in different nations. The sad part about this type of research is that apparently it’s never been done. Do a simple search on Google or any other search engines for “average time of birth” and tell me what you get – nothing. You’ll see stats related to average day of birth, or the average age of new mothers – things like that, but no actual information that will give us an average of the times of the day a person was born. Not good. But the reason I’m writing this is in the hopes that some day in the future, someone will leave a comment with this statistic although […]

  • What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [10,645 views]

    Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code is a voluntary bankruptcy used to repay all or some of an individual’s debts. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is only available to individuals (not corporations) who have a regular income. A Little About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Chapter 13 is often called a “wage earner’s plan.” Chapter 13 can stop a foreclosure or repossession and allow the individual time to make payments over three to five years. Repayment Plan The main feature of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the repayment plan, which must be approved by the bankruptcy court (known as “conformation” of the plan). Within 15 days of the filing of the Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition, the debtor must file a proposed plan to repay creditors over three to five years. The debtor must make the first payment […]

  • What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [6,954 views]

    When it comes to bankruptcy, there are several types you can apply for like Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is the most commonly filed bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is called a “liquidation” bankruptcy and is used by individuals, partnerships, or corporations that have no hope for repairing their financial situation and repaying creditors. During a Chapter 7 case, all of the property is liquidated in accordance with the rules of the federal Bankruptcy Code and the proceeds are used to pay creditors. State and federal laws allow individual debtors to keep property necessary for the financial restructuring process during Chapter 7 bankruptcy. These laws are commonly known as “exemptions” and allow debtors to protect a reasonable amount of equity in vehicles, homes, household furniture, clothing, electronics, tools […]

  • Do You Hear Scratching In Your Walls? You May Need Mice Control

    Posted by on Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [5,779 views]

    I can’t tell you how often people think that the little noises in their walls are insects when in fact it’s a huge sign they need specialized mice control. So earlier this week I was in Ancaster at a client’s house where she clearly needed mice control or the walls in her home were going to eventually be completely ruined. She was hearing frequent little scratching in her walls in various parts of her home and she decided to give us a call. After I arrived and the home owner explained her problem to me I decided to take a little visit to the attic to see what I could find, if anything. Well I wasn’t surprised. What I found is what we in the animal control industry like to call a mouse […]

  • Mercury Symbol (Astrology)

    Posted by on Monday, May 27th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,279 views]

    Here’s the mercury symbol most familiar with astrology. ☿ This link will give you the ascii code for all the astrological symbols.

  • How To Get Rid Of Foul Odors With An Air Freshener

    Posted by on Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [5,003 views]

    Foul odors are one of the biggest problems that many homeowners and even apartment residents face. The odors can come from anything, such as overcooked or spoiled food, or even dirty laundry. Treating this kind of problem often requires covering up the smell with sprays, candles, or even opening the windows to let fresh air in. This does help, but it often only covers up the smell. Find The Source Of The Odor Depending on the odor, it may be hard to pinpoint exactly where it is coming from. For example, a single spoiled item in the trash bin can cause an entire room to smell foul. Finding the source of the smell and removing it from the home can have an immediate impact on freshing the air, however, it will still be […]

  • Vacuum Cleaner Service And Repairs

    Posted by on Monday, May 13th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,831 views]

    The best way to prevent problems with a vacuum cleaner is to make sure that it is always in good shape. To do this, make sure that is serviced on a regular basis, such as every few years. Regular service often helps to catch issues before they become a big problem. However, many avoid this and simply use their sweeper until it finally breaks or needs work. Identify The Problem If Possible If the unit has stopped working like it used to, the first step is to try to identify the problem. This will make it much easier to figure out what kind of vacuum cleaner service and repair is needed. It may be a simple issue such as a lack of suction caused by a damaged hose, or a wheel that squeaks […]

  • Where Can I Find Vacuum Cleaner Parts

    Posted by on Monday, May 13th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [2,860 views]

    Many vacuum cleaner owners are familiar with having to go to a store and locate a new belt or bag for their sweeper. Some may also know the frustration of not being able to find the right part. If the right replacement isn’t available, then owners are often forced to drive around town trying to find a replacement, or may have to call a number of stores trying to locate one. Start By Looking Online For Parts Fortunately, one of the fastest ways to find vacuum cleaner parts now is to simply look online for them. This is because many stores offer an online shop that has a much larger inventory. Even if a particular online store is out of stock, there are often a number of other sites that may carry the […]

  • Top 4 Ways Bats Get Into Your Home

    Posted by on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [6,765 views]

    No one wants bats in their home, but if it happens, removing them is a high priority. Getting control of a bat who’s managed to intrude into your premises isn’t easy and so to help you avoid such a situation I’m going to give you a list of the top ten ways a bad can get into your home. Before I give you the list, I’d like you to know that I by all means think bats are beautiful creatures and I’m well aware that they contribute positively to any local ecosystem – even the world. I’m writing this because once a bat or two do get into your home, there are a few dangers you can be faced with and so bat-proofing your home is of the utmost importance especially if you […]

  • A Quote By Terence McKenna

    Posted by on Sunday, April 28th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [6,060 views]

    The following is one of my favorite quotes by Terence McKenna: “The Mind is more powerful than any particle accelerator, more sensitive than any radio receiver or the largest optical telescope; more complete in it’s grasp of information than any computer. The Human Body, it’s voice, it’s power of locomotion, and it’s imagination is a more than sufficient means, for the explorations of any time or energy level, in the Universe. Through Alternative Healing methods, we have become aware of our Electro Magnetic Energy fields, and the importance of our neurobiology and bio-chemistry. Through this and the discoveries made in the area of genetics, we are becoming aware that our chemistry affects our Consciousness.”

  • I’m Just Joking

    Posted by on Friday, April 5th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [5,769 views]

    There’s nothing like a good laugh and joke and no matter why you landed on this page, it was all in good spirits. Here are 3 jokes I picked up from Brainy Quotes about Jokes: Marilyn Monroe “I don’t mind making jokes, but I don’t want to look like one.” Thomas Aquinas “It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes.” David Ogilvy “The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.” And my all time favorite Joke (for now) “A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. Ludwig Wittgenstein”

  • The Dangers Of Harbouring Wildlife In Your Home

    Posted by on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [5,375 views]

    So I’m not talking about keeping a snake you’ve found, I’m talking about the health risks of stray wildlife like raccoons and squirrels that have made a nest in your home. And it is dangerous. Let me put together a scenario for you to imagine that might put harbouring wildlife in your home into a new perspective. Imagine you’ve seen a few baby raccoons walking around your roof. You think to yourself “hey, it’s not too bad, maybe I’ll just let them stay in my attic for the winter. They’ll probably leave after the winter and there’s nothing wrong with giving them a little heat during the cold days”. Well, generally speaking, the animals themselves will probably do humans no harm and if they reside in your attic, that’s probably where they’ll stay […]

  • Post a picture of Janice Joplin, captioned with a completely illogical quote, and people will like it because it’s a Janice Joplin quote

    Posted by on Saturday, March 30th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,899 views]

    It’s incredible and it never ceases to amaze me. It’s true, you can post a picture of Janice Joplin, captioned with a completely illogical quote, and people will like it because it’s a Janice Joplin quote. Well what if Janice Joplin was wrong? Would you still like the picture? Would you still like the quote? Here’s a better question: do you think you would like and agree with every thing that Janice Joplin ever said? Most likely probably not. I’ve sadly seen thousands upon thousands of pictures with completely illogical and insane captions – all earning hundreds or thousands of likes and hundreds of thousands of comments agreeing with it. I just know if I get each and every one of them in a room, I could prove to them that they indeed don’t […]

  • How To Clean Hardwood Floors

    Posted by on Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,243 views]

    Each type of floor material has its own set of rules and tricks for keeping it clean. Carpets benefits from being shampooed, rugs sometimes need to be cleaned or treated, and wood floors need to be conditioned. Some may agree that a hardwood floor is sometimes a little tougher to keep clean, but there are a few easy ways to keep it shiny and looking like new for years to come. Remove Dust And Dirt The first tip to keeping any wood floor looking new is to always keep it clean. The best way to do this is to use a hardwood floors vacuum instead of a broom and dust pan. Some may find that they only need to vacuum once per week, but others may find that it has to be done […]

  • Vacuum Cleaners For Hardwood Floors And Pet Hair

    Posted by on Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,081 views]

    Cleaning up after pets can be a constant chore, especially if they have long fur or shed a lot. It sometimes means having to vacuum every few days, or even daily, depending on the amount they shed. There are other factors in how often a home has to be cleaned if there are pets in it, such as what kind of floors are in the home, and what type of vacuum is available. Why Are Some Floors So Hard To Clean? It may surprise some pet owners, but not every type of floor cleans the same. Hardwood floors, for example, are surprisingly difficult to clean due to the way that they are designed. Wood floors tend to have cracks or slits between the planks that can sometimes trap fur and dander, which can […]

  • Tim Horton’s Roll Up The Rim Spreads Influenza And Other Problems With The Promotion

    Posted by on Sunday, March 10th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [7,866 views]

    Stop and think for a moment about whether you’re spreading the flu virus to other people after winning Tim Horton’s Roll Up The Rim contest. I mean really think about it. Is it possible that you’re getting other people sick? The answer is yes. Why can’t Tim Horton’s Relieve Itself From All Sanitary Issues? I’m going to get to the point in a moment, but before I do, feel free to read one of my previous articles addressing how your Tim Hortons’ coffee cup lid has the potential of being highly unsanitized. There were quite a large number of responses to the article but in the end nothing has changed. Maybe this article will help promote some necessary changes – and hopefully soon. The Point Of This Article The point of this article […]

  • The Funeral Song

    Posted by on Thursday, February 28th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,178 views]

    For 93 days I’ll listen to this song, when I’m down and deep under, and very long gone. So now I call this the funeral song. The Funeral Song

  • Lyrics to Dragons Chasing Dragons by Conkling

    Posted by on Monday, February 25th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [1,916 views]

    Dragons chasing Dragons in the sun, in the sun sirens luring sailors into the sea i can see the spaceships on the run, on the run hiding there, right in front of me and there were Dragons chasing Dragons in the Sun, in the sun sirens luring sailors into the sea so get ready as big brother shoots his guns right there, in Washington DC So float down the river, it’s time to deliver your soul time is’a spinning, like end or beginin, it’s all out of control Neptune is’a comin, the drummers are drummin, the waves are coming to your door jesus is’a dying, there ain’t no denying, we’re in a cosmic war then i saw the angels and the sky began to cry and the angels fell from the heavens, and there […]

  • Is Jesus Christ the TRUE Lucifer?

    Posted by on Saturday, February 23rd, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [7,075 views]

    This is a copy of a hub that seems to have been removed from hubpages, written by Sanctus Vesania, titled: Jesus Christ IS the TRUE lucifer (morning star, light bringer). The author presents some interesting facts that Christians and Non-Christians alike can appreciate. Origins of the word Lucifer Note:  This hub will hopefully explain not only how Jesus is the true lucifer (lower case to refer not to a proper name), but also how the ‘Lucifer’ mentioned in Isaiah is nothing more than a fraud who did not, does not, and will never truly deserve that title. Before we begin let us figure out Lucifer means. In Latin Lucifer means “Light Bringer” and is the name of the Morning Star. The word Lucifer appears only once in the Bible and only in the KJV. Isaiah […]

  • Clean Up After Parties With A Rainbow Cleaning System

    Posted by on Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,641 views]

    A party is the perfect way to spend time with friends, family, and co-workers. Parties can be thrown for any occasion, such as a raise, promotion, birthday, big announcement, or even just because. No matter how big or small the event is though, there is a reality of the mess that will be left behind after everyone leaves. Cleaning this up can take a lot of time without a good plan for handling it. Save Time By Planning Ahead The easiest way to clean up after a party is to plan ahead. The reason for this is that there are several time saving ways to reduce the amount of mess that will be created, or that needs to be cleaned up. An easy way to clean faster after a party is to choose […]

  • Holophonics (3D Sound) Sound Example

    Posted by on Thursday, January 31st, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [8,163 views]

    As stated at Wikipedia: Holophonics is a binaural recording system created by Hugo Zuccarelli that is based on the claim that the human auditory system acts as an interferometer. It relies on phase variance, just like stereophonic sound. The sound characteristics of holophonics are most clearly heard through headphones; though they can be effectively demonstrated with 2-channel stereo speakers, provided that they are phase-coherent. The word “holophonics” is related with “acoustic hologram”. Holophonic (I call them 3D sounds for now) sounds are created in a way that makes the listener perceive the sounds in the same way we hear life around us naturally. The way we hear things enables us to perceive where sounds are coming from. That’s kind of what a holographic sound will sound like. The only way to really understand […]

  • Top Tips When Applying For A Self Employed Mortgage

    Posted by on Monday, January 21st, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,806 views]

    Applying for a mortgage is a serious undertaking that should be done with care and good planning in order to get a favourable result. For this reason, anyone ready to start applying should do everything they can to look more responsible and appealing to a broker. There are a few things that potential homeowners can do to improve their chances of getting approved. Among these are finding the right broker, minimizing debts, and maximizing savings and paperwork. Choose The Right Broker For The Job One of the top tips for getting approved for a self employed mortgage is to work with the right broker. A good broker will know how to package the application, and can offer additional suggestions on how to improve the odds. When looking at brokers, it is vital to […]

  • Opposite Signs Of The Zodiac

    Posted by on Saturday, January 12th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [9,639 views]

    The following is a table of the zodiac signs which are opposite each other. What follows the table is a short but concise example. Opposite Signs Of The Zodiac Chart Below is a table of the 12 signs of the zodiac and their oppositions. Please note these oppositions don’t reflect any negative or positive vibrations despite their oppositions. There are an array of other factors related to a person’s natal chart that must be taken into consideration. That is why knowing the exact time of birth when it comes to casting a natal chart is important. Signs in Opposition Aries Libra Taurus Scorpio Gemini Sagittarius Cancer Capricorn Leo Aquarius Virgo Pisces An Example of opposite signs in your natal chart For instance. If your Sun sign is in Aquarius then your opposite sign […]

  • Ways To Avoid The Flu Every Year

    Posted by on Saturday, January 5th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [3,400 views]

    I’m going to say it like it is. If you want to avoid the flu this year (2013) and every year thereafter, you need to go commando. You need to stop mucking around and get to the point – with yourself and others. Apparently this flu season will break previous records. The Toronto Star has already posted how the flu has hit Toronto GTA hard and New York City is reporting high levels of influenza-like-illnesses; and in LA they’re saying the Flu season hit U.S. early and hard. So is this year’s flu virus going to turn into a pandemic? I’m not one to say, but before it gets its way with you, read the following: Wash your hands after you’ve visited the store or supermarket You should wash your hands especially after visiting the […]

  • Astrology – 20 Attributes of a Person with Moon In Aquarius

    Posted by on Friday, January 4th, 2013 | Posted in Posts - [4,459 views]

    If you’ve read your natal chart, you may have found that your your Moon is in Aquarius. If so read on and find out a little more about yourself. But remember, there are twelve other “houses” in your natal chart and you should also check those too and find out the relevance of the aspects of certain planets in your chart. So below I’m going to list 20 attributes related to having the moon in Aquarius for a natal chart. When your moon is in Aquarius So below is a list of attributes of a person who was born with the Moon in Aquarius. Feel free to leave your comments and additions to the list in the comments below. needs emotional freedom needs a certain level of constant independence or the feeling thereof is comfortable […]

  • Edit the sidebar on eDirectory

    Posted by on Thursday, December 20th, 2012 | Posted in Posts - [11,192 views]

    This is information that will help you edit your eDirectory site sidebar. First you’ll need to know these paths: /custom/domain_1/theme/default/body/listing_detail.php If you copy, cut and upload that file, you’ll see your header and footer still. Look for this in the above file: include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/join.php”); LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT is the directory of the page you are on – it’s within the public/root directory. If you delete it you’ll be able to remove it from the page. If you want to, you can edit a number of parts of your sidebar – actually whatever is there. The files listed on the site I’m working on has these files: <? include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/join.php”); ?> <? include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/detail_maps.php”); ?> <? include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/detail_deals.php”); ?> <? include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/detail_reviews.php”); ?> <? include(LISTING_EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/detail_checkin.php”); ?> <? include(EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/frontend/banner_featured.php”); ?> <? include(EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/frontend/banner_sponsoredlinks.php”); ?> <? include(EDIRECTORY_ROOT.”/frontend/googleads.php”); ?> If you’re somewhat good at coding […]