Teach Your Child To Ride Their Bike Without Training Wheels In 30 Minutes

Written by Christian Rumi 20 March 2012 2,786 views No Comment

This tip that will help you teach your child to ride their bike without training wheels in 30 minutes only applies to children who are currently riding their bike with training wheels. If your child hasn’t been on a bike just yet, you’re going to have to wait until then because they have to get the first part of riding a bike down packed.

Below will be the steps you need to take to get your boy or girl riding a bike without training wheels in as little as 30 minutes.

Find A Grassy Field

The first step is to find a nice grassy field like a soccer field. The bigger the better and the lesser people around the less distraction your child will have.

The reason for the grassy field is because, if your child falls during their attempts at riding without training wheels they won’t get hurt. You’ll be lightly and happily explaining this to them in a few moments.

Sit Your Child On Their Bike

So you’ve excitedly explained to them that today is the day the training wheels will be coming off and the time has come for them to do it. You’ve explained that there’s no way their going to get hurt because they’re riding on grass. You can even be fun and pretend to wipe out on the grass and say “see, it doesn’t hurt at all, it’s just grass”. This or any other kind of encouragement works to help get rid of the one thing that stops them from riding their bike without training wheels and that’s fear. Then the fear is gone, they’ll be able to sit on that bike and get ready to roll.

Explain To Them How To Ride

Now that they’re alright with falling (of which they will only do less than 5 times in this session if you follow the instructions), sitting on their bike and ready to roll, you need to explain to them, in simple terms, the basics of riding a two wheeled bike. Explain to them the following:

  • always peddle
  • keep peddling
  • don’t stop peddling

Then tell them that while they’re peddling they have to:

  • keep moving the handle bars, slightly left and right
  • slightly left and right
  • and then again, keep moving the handle bars slightly left and right

Grab the handle bars and show them how to actually move the bars left and right and remember to explain that they have to do this and keep on peddling. Don’t stop peddling, and move the handle bars left and right – like this (show them).

And Lift-Off

OK this is where it gets good. Oh I didn’t mention this at the outset; I’ve taught about 8 kids from 4 to 6 to ride there bike in about a half hour, without training wheels. This actually works!

Now, let’s do a quick check list to see if everything is in order.

  • encourage your child that they’ll be riding their bike without their training wheels today – get excited about it with them
  • find a grassy field and explain to them, nicely and with tact that the grassy field is awesome because no matter what “you won’t get hurt if you fall”. Keep mentioning this so they remember and build their self-confidence
  • sit them on their bike and stress that they have to keep peddling and must move the handle bars left and right quickly – in order for it to work
  • lift off…

At this point, you can give them a little boost to get them going, especially considering they’ll be riding on grass – it’s not the easiest for their little muscles but they can do it. You should also tell them that you’ll be holding them the whole time. Telling your child this little white lie goes a long way.

Remember this all happens pretty fast so read carefully. Once you’ve given them an initial boost, you still do hold on to the back of their seat for a few more seconds to give them some balance all the while saying “keep peddling, keep peddling” and “do the handle bars, do the handle bars!” with one last hard boost and they’ll be on their way.

If you’ve done everything right, they should be able to ride that bike for another 10 seconds all by themselves and with you cheering them on they’ll be ready to do it again.

By the fourth and fifth time you’ll witness your child riding their bike all by themselves. Sure it’ll scare you a bit but you’ll everyone will be happy including your child and their self-esteem.


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