The Top 10 Signs You Have A Bat Infestation In Your Attic

Written by Christian Rumi 2 July 2014 45,557 views One Comment

Do not let bats infest your attic. It’s important to know the 10 signs of a bat infestation and to take action immediately if you find you have one. Bats are known to carry diseases which can be fatal to humans and other animals, and their droppings contain the same. With that said, I’ve decided to put together a ten point check-sheet with the top ten signs of a bat infestation and what you can do about it. Bat catch and release removal example

Below are the top 10 signs of a bat infestation followed by a plan of action for those who believe they actually have one.

1. You see a bat in your house: This is one of the most obvious signs bats are living in your attic. Of course there could be that rare time that a random bat from the outside flies through your window and hopefully out of another one, but in this case, chances are, the bat was trying to get to its brew with the other bats or has squeezed through a hole in your attic and has come into the common area. If you see a bat flying around your home or even perched somewhere you’ve probably got an infestation and need to call the professionals.

2. Bat droppings (guano): Bat droppings aren’t hard to see. If you have an infestation you’ll usually see droppings on the outside outside of your home near their entry point. Home owners usually find them on porches, decks, window sills and virtually anywhere near their entry point.

3. Bat droppings in the attic: If you’ve paid a visit to your attic and have found what looks like animal droppings, you may have a potential infestation. In this case, you could have more than a bat problem as you won’t be able to identify which animal the droppings may have come from but if you are seeing some of the other signs in this list, you could have a bat problem. Read on.

4. High pitched squeaking sounds: Bats make various high pitched sounds to communicate and help themselves navigate their paths through the night. Of course hearing the sounds of bats around your home in the evening and night time doesn’t necessarily mean you have an infestation, but if this sign and other signs in this list are apparent you could have a problem to content with.

4. Scratching in the walls: Scratching or scurrying in the walls of your home can be a sign that any wild animal is living in your walls or attic, but combined with the other signs in this list, the problem can be narrowed down to a bat problem. Continue reading.

5. See them flying in and out of house: This is similar to the first sign. Sometimes when bats are flying about, they end up flying into our homes. This is a generally common occurrence but not always a sign that bats are living in your attic, but like the few signs above, if you are actually seeing other signs combined with this one, there’s a chance you’ve got an infestation to deal with.

6. Brown or black stains around holes: Bats have a layer of grease on their coats and so wherever they are exiting or entering a home, they tend to leave greasy spots at those locations. If you were to perform a do-it-yourself inspection, and do find areas where there seems to be black smears around holes on your roof or the outside walls, you can almost guarantee bats are living in your attic. Note, these stains can be cleaned up but the area has to be sterilized.

7. Seeing dead bats around property: Like the other points, the sign isn’t always going to be an indicator that you’ve got an infestation, but generally speaking a dead bat on your property (or even in your home) isn’t a good sign. A dead bat usually means other bats are in the area and that you should definitely check out your home’s surroundings to make sure. A dead bat combined with the other signs in this list points to an existing infestation and the professionals need to be called just to make sure and to do an inspection.

8. Attic strange pungent odour: Strange and pungent odours coming from your attic are definitely a sign that some form of wildlife are living in your attic but in order to be sure it’s a bat, you need to take the other signs in this list into consideration. The small and odours may signify an animal infestation of any kind so it’s important to call the professionals who will determine the exact nature of the problem.

9. Smells like ammonia: If you smell a strong odour of ammonia, chances are you have a pile of bat guano somewhere near or inside your home. Guano (droppings) produces an almost toxic odour that’s similar to ammonia and a definite sign bats are somewhere near. Like most of the signs above, guano around the home isn’t necessarily a sign, but if you see it in your attic then you know you need to call someone.

10. You witness bats leaving your attic at sun-down: Bats sleep during the day and fly at night. They can usually be seen leaving a home they’ve setup roost in just around the time of sun-down. Unlike the signs above, seeing bats leaving your home’s attic in the evening is enough of a sign to not only give you the heebie-jeebies but it’s well enough evidence of an infestation. Call the professionals!

Now that you’ve discovered and have taken note of some of the major signs of a bat infection and are determined to get them removed from your attic or property, you can follow this link to find out how our company does it, and what we guarantee our customers:

What can I do if I have an infestation of bats?

Removal team handling baby batThe first thing you should do is stay away from the infestation as much as possible. As I mentioned above, bats can carry disease and your best bet is to steer clear of them. Once you’ve determine you indeed do have a bat problem to contend with, find an accredited wildlife removal company and give them a call.

Most professional removal companies will come out within a day or two at the most. While you’re waiting for a removal team to come out to your place to remove the bats, stay away or indoors until they arrive.

Once they arrive, they will escort you in a safe manner to the site and if you’d like to take a peek at a brew of bats, you can until they start the job of removing them and securing your attic from future intrusions.

Please note that during our 20 something years in the wildlife removal industry, we’ve been called by hundreds or customers who have unfortunately hired companies that didn’t truly know what they were doing and their wildlife problems persisted.

The best way to avoid this problem is to do your research and call a company that’s accredited and has a proven track record. You’ll be doing yourself and your family a favour!

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One Comment »

  • Darwin Scheidel said:

    Do you know of a qualified person or company in the Baldwin, Michigan area to check and remove bats from a house?