Use Your Gillette Razor 60 Times More Than You Usually Do

Written by Christian Rumi 28 July 2016 13,768 views No Comment

Forget the Gillette Blue StripHonestly, it can be done. And there’s no damn good reason that we shouldn’t be able to use our Gillette razors to shave our faces or body parts, many more times then the length of time the blue or white strip wears out.

We’re told by Gillette that in their advertising and have been told for years, that once that blue strips wears out, we need to start using another razor.

It’s interesting how a Gillette razor won’t last as long as a toothbrush even though their made of steel.

Through some strange reasoning the human mind supposes that when that rubbery gooey strip has run it’s course so have the metal blades.

Oh how pompous of you to believe such a tale. Do you really have that much money to burn? You know the blue strip claims are a lie but you continue to throw them out after 3 to 6 uses. What a waste.

This is how you can use your Gillette razor 60 more times than usual

Follow these instructions and by-golly you’ll not only be able to use your razor many more times after the blue strip wears out, you’ll also feel a much more smoother shave – it’s amazing.

Use steam to make your shave really cleanHere are the steps:

  1. forget about the blue strip – completely
  2. turn on the hot water and only the hot water
  3. let your razor soak under the running hot water (see where I’m going?)
  4. smother your face with your shaving cream/lather
  5. pick up your steaming hot metal razor and give yourself a regular shaving stroke of the blade
  6. one stroke or two at a time and then rinse off your blade in the hot water
  7. continue to repeat step 5 and 6 until you’ve completely shaved as usual

The heat on the blade really helps create a close shave and there’s no need to throw your razor away after a few times. Using this strategy, I’ve used the same blade to shave for over two months and I shave every 2 to 3 days.

Try it yourself and hey Gillette, if you’re reading this, we beg of you to stop treating us consumers of your products like we’re dummies. We’re not.

I’ll be writing a whole other topic on another issue I have with Gillette related to how the are obviously incapable of developing a razor that lasts months rather than weeks. Or maybe they can develop a real razor like that but aren’t willing to sell it to us as such.

Feel free to leave your comments. All are welcome.

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