What Is The Average Time Of Birth

Written by Christian Rumi 20 July 2013 3,913 views No Comment

clockEvery now and then someone wants to figure out the worldwide average time of birth. Not only that, but the average birth of people in different nations.

The sad part about this type of research is that apparently it’s never been done. Do a simple search on Google or any other search engines for “average time of birth” and tell me what you get – nothing.

You’ll see stats related to average day of birth, or the average age of new mothers – things like that, but no actual information that will give us an average of the times of the day a person was born.

Not good. But the reason I’m writing this is in the hopes that some day in the future, someone will leave a comment with this statistic although since it’s never been tallied, it’s virtually impossible.

Finding the average time of birth seems impossible

If you’ve visited this page, you’ll have to accept that since no one has ever gathered the stats related to people’s time of birth, finding the average won’t be possible.

However, there may one day, arise a man or woman who just wants this information, period and they may do whatever it takes to figure this out.

If you’d like to find the average for a particular country, it won’t be impossible – you may not be able to get the records of people’s birth past a certain year (for instance in Canada, if you were born around 1972, you’ll have little luck in finding not only your time of birth, but your birth record in general), but for the years you can get them for, all you need to do is average out the information.

Can you get the world wide average time of birth?

Well, if you want to travel (or call or email) the world and gather all the stats from every country, and then average the info out, you can find the average world wide time of birth – but good luck. Why good luck? Well it will take a lot of your time and some countries simply won’t have that information. Although if you do the research as part of a study, of which may be funded by any particular government agency, you could get paid for your work – well, well fed with travel expenses paid anyways.

With that said, it’s pretty clear it’s going to be a tough job getting this information and you won’t find it here. But if you somehow figure out a way to get it, and do end up tallying it, or, know someone who did, please feel free to leave the information or the link to it in the comments below.

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