What You Ought To Know About Insurance For Cats

Written by Christian Rumi 15 January 2011 1,866 views No Comment

Pet insurance like all types of insurance is a risk. You are praying that you will reap the benefits of the plan for your cat and the insurance company is also betting that you will not cash in thru their cap limit and other fine prints in your contract.

There are a few things that you should consider when planning to get insurance for your cat.

Check if the company is using a list of veterinary service providers. If you already have chosen a veterinarian then it is just proper to check first with your cat’s veterinarian what pet health insurance company they prefer.

The provided list may require you to look for an accredited clinic and veterinarian farther from where you are. But most premier insurance providers allow their clients to choose their preferred vets.

It is still better to check what is listed on the contract or ask directly before committing to a plan.

It is also a good thing to check the exclusions of each insurance policy. The most common one is the “pre-existing conditions” which can be defined as any illness or condition that is already present before the application of the plan.

There may be other exclusions that differ from company to company.

Most companies have maximum limits to the amount that they will pay for certain type of illness or medical procedure. Some would even impose an annual cap amount for which there will be no more claims once the limit is reached. You would be the one shouldering the expenses if this happens.

It is best to have the details worked out to be able to set a good limit that you think based on your previous experience. However the premium would also increase as this is where the company gets the money to pay for your cat’s benefits.

Pet health insurance providers offer a variety of plans that would suit the needs of your cat. Some do offer plans that would cater specifically to older cats as these tend to be more prone to illnesses.

These can be different from companies, like the insurance from Pet Plan would differ from the one offered by Pets Best.

The benefits would also be different from each company so checking every detail of your policy will give you the chance to compare it with other providers and get the best that would suit your cat.

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