When Did This Become This

Written by Christian Rumi 24 April 2014 2,297 views 2 Comments

when-did-this-become-thisWhat a good question, but if you post this “When did this become this” picture before pondering the logical answer, you shouldn’t be posting pictures on the Internet.

Why? Well here’s the answer: the “become this?” part of the picture, became this, because of quite a few developments in the modern world and none of them had to do with the government or corporations and their desires to enslave humanity. No, it, had “become this” when;

  1. crime rates started dramatically increasing each year
  2. criminal’s weapons became more deadly
  3. gangs started using high powered automatic weapons
  4. teenagers became more bold, brazen and destructive during lawful protests which became, unlawful
  5. bank robberies and hostage taking became a common occurrence
  6. when regular citizens decided bombing public places was a good choice (yes they needed to be found and detained by teams of armed police officers who were armed to protect themselves (something most pussy wussy people like to stand back and watch))
  7. and with the evolution of anything, including the outfit and safety thereof of the men and woman who risk their lives daily to keep our streets safe at night

There are many more reasons “this” became “this”, and if the at least one of the points above didn’t POP into your head when you read the caption on this image, you should be restricted from having children, at least for a time or until your level of common logic is increased.

And to the person who created the image – remember, Karma has it’s ways and you never know if one day you’ll need the police, their help, and their assistance and have hope that they do get all geared up and find that asshole that did “this” to you.

Any counteracts? Leave them in the comments…

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  • Joe said:

    That implies cops were good in the past to begin with..they weren’t.

  • Joe said:

    Well to start with the first picture is from a TV show and is not real. Police were never “good”, so were the police in the 60’s “good” when they were beating blacks for using the non-colored entrance? Were the police “good” when they raided suspected homosexuals homes for sodomy?
    I have no empathy for any cop killed doing his “job” because his “job” is shaking down the average person for revenue for the government or his “job” is telling someone who they can or can’t associate with or what they can or can’t put in their own bodies.