Do You Hear Scratching In Your Walls? You May Need Mice Control

Written by Christian Rumi 19 June 2013 5,765 views No Comment

Mice Holes In InsulationI can’t tell you how often people think that the little noises in their walls are insects when in fact it’s a huge sign they need specialized mice control.

So earlier this week I was in Ancaster at a client’s house where she clearly needed mice control or the walls in her home were going to eventually be completely ruined. She was hearing frequent little scratching in her walls in various parts of her home and she decided to give us a call.

After I arrived and the home owner explained her problem to me I decided to take a little visit to the attic to see what I could find, if anything. Well I wasn’t surprised. What I found is what we in the animal control industry like to call a mouse infestation.

To get a full view of what we found watch the video below:

How Can I Tell If Mice Are Living In My Attic Myself?

Actually it’s quite easy to find out if a family of mice are living in your walls or attic. There are a few key places you can look, but beware; if you do find traces of mice, don’t try to remove them yourself. It could be quite dangerous and you could put your health and safety at risk. That’s why there are professional companies that will remove animals for you.

Here are the ways you can determine if mice are harbouring in your home:

  • pop up into your attic and look for mice trails
  • look for trails and holes in around all the attic insulation
  • the noises generally occur at night
  • you sense a muggy smell or even urine but can’t see it
  • the noises are occurring in an area of your home, behind the walls where it would be generally warm
  • if you hear scurrying sounds, look around the inside and outside of your home for small holes
  • shorts in the electrical system of your home
  • chewed up wires here or there in your home
  • mice droppings scattered here or there in your home
  • if you have an idea where they could be, throw some white powder on the floor and after a few days see if you see mice tracks
  • put a piece of cheese out in an area where you think they might be and check back in less than a day

Most people don’t know they have mice living in their walls or attic until they hear little scratching or squeaking sounds or until their home has been damaged. Once a home has been damaged due to mice, assessing the damage and repairing it could be quite costly if it spirals out of control.

Don’t wait for mice to gnaw through your walls and ruin them with their urine and droppings. Get them out as soon as you suspect them and make sure the wildlife control company you hire has proven their professionalism and expertise in the field.

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